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No start issue


Not just a truck... a project.
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north GA mountains.
Now my truck is mad...

I will be troubleshooting tonight on a no start that began this AM. Ran fine first thing, no staRt at noon... Lift pump is working ( put it in R and it ran fuel) got it startedby priming it like this (just like when changing fuelmfilter). Same at 5pm. Came home and immediatly no start in the driveway.

I swapped the FSD with my spare just to verify, but it seems like an air leak at some point. Injectors are all dry, glancing it looks like some fuel on the ffm outlet to IP

Any of your greater minds have thoughts. I am going to eat dinner, get the kids to bed and then go look around. And start searching on here. I know there is a fuel trouble shooting thread somewhere.

Oh, lost the liftpump/ops about a month ago, so ops is new (from oreillys).
I am thinking the first thing I will test is LP during operation. If the OPS is bad, the LP would still run in a 1995 while cranking, correct. S it could be running while cranking, but not from the ops. Tis in combination with a small leaking draining a line? Likely between FFM and ip?

Nope. And there lies the likely source of the issue, though me thinks there are a few more things happening here. I got one good start after pulling and replacing the fuel pump relay. Clean grounds, source an ac delving ops, and install relays. I need to figure out the ops relay project... I understand the concept, but need to find an install thread to visualize placement.

Always fun, these trucks...
Short the relay so the LP runs and see if it starts. Bad relay?

Kinked hose, plugged tank sock...
x2, either the relay or the 2 end pin of the OPS connector under the GP controller.

It is probably the OPS.
There are some good aftermarket but it is 1 in a 1000.

Otherwise, there are leaks in the FFM.
Check the o-ring inside there and also the hoses in-out of the FFM.
100 RPM minimum cold cranking RPM. You can hear it grind over slower and would know it. Starter lost a brush or blown battery is possible. But you would still have fuel.
I will crack an injector when I get back In town and verify fuel squirt.

It just sounds different on cranking. You know it is not going to go, sounds different. Batteries are 5 years old IIRC. Starter unknown, makes sense.

Does not really seem SLOW, just not fully there when starting.
Had fuel. Bad batteries. Rolling again. Old ones had 4 years on they.AZ regulars.

I swear it sounded like an almost normal start.

So it goes.