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New Exhaust in progress!


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Ex-Michigander, now Elizabeth Colorado

Well I decided to get the old exhaust off my truck and start with the new. I was going to do a write up, but I took the old off back to front and only removed thettransmission cross member to do it. Hardly any need for explanation. The bolts that didn't want to come loose broke with the impact gun.

Putting the new in, might call for a write up. I am going with a diamond eye kit made for the 2001 to early 2007 trucks negating any need for DPF garbage as I am tuning with EFI. The exhaust itself seems to fit perfectly fine, but the hangers are different. I ran out of good daylight yesterday so I have the front pipe on and that's it. I will figure out what has to be done with the hangers and hopefully do a write up on what it takes to mod these systems to fit the 2007.5-2010 LMM's. They exhaust kits are considerably more for the LMM's and nobody wants to help you get rid of your president's DPF.

If anybody has done this and can help save me some type please pipe up. I know Ferm has and he's helped a bunch already. Thanks guys!
Side question, anybody know how long my truck will run on the stock OS without tuning out the dpf stuff? I need my truck and don't have the new tune file ready yet. I may have put the cart before the horse on this one.... :shiiiiiite:
Sometimes 20 miles, sometimes 1000 miles before it goes into limp mode, but it WILL go into limp mode eventually and leave you at a crawl. As for the exhaust, the rear most hanger has to be bent some and raised up to let it clear the spring and spare tire, one of the hangers in front of the muffler will not go together like it is supposed to as you will have to slide it in a lot deeper and way past the part that should be in the hanger. I wish I would have taken pics of the ones I had done as it isn't that hard to do once you've done one. The tightest and hardest part is getting the exhaust to clear the trans crossmember, and it may need adjusting after you drive it some.
Ferm, I had that crossmemeber out, and the new front pipe when in and the cross member bolted right back up no problem, at least so far. It almost appears that I may have to cut one of the sections to fit, and the instructions say this may be necessary. The hanger bracket that comes off the tranny is right next to the Quiet Tone part of the front pipe and the clamp hanger wont fit around there to attach. Seems like these things are a bit of a puzzle anyway, twisting and moving things until it all comes together.

I drove it around last night with just the front pipe attached, i needed it to pick up hay before we get this winter storm. Man I can tell I actually have a turbo now! I got the tune ready now and will be doing that as soon as I have time.

Just found out I cant use the Insight CTS as a DSP5 switch on the trucks newer than '06? Anybody confirm that? Not sure that would have changed my decision to use it as a monitor. Getting a DSP5 switch really isnt a big deal
Chad, I have an extra section of pipe and an extra hnger on hand that came with mine. If you need it for modification it's yours.
No need for the front hanger as it won't line up with just a regular pipe up there(let alone with a quiet tone). And the BOSCH ECM(06+) has to be hard wired for the DSP5 function.