New Member
Well guys here it goes, I've noticed over and reading about the LB7 for a while now that they have a cronic injector problem.:doh:. I don't have any of the signs and the truck seems to run extremely well. I've noticed over the last 3 weeks of ownership that every 5 min or so the truck seems to idle up. So i running a fuel additive to help clean up the injectors. Tonight since my buddy does performance tuning and i had to weld something up for him I'd have him check out my puter. I have no fault codes in the PCm so that is a good thing, good fuel preassure and making 20 psi of boost at WOT. So we decided to check the injectors and found one wasn't moving around much and was at .322 (pw)and the min spot was.120 there were 4 injectors with a .398 for a PW and a low of .252 the other three were at .412 and a min of roughly of the same .252. When the idle shifted the one that was the lowest dropped real low. Then he reset them and the low one came up. Could this be a sign of injectors just being clogged up or are they ready to drop out. After the reset on the injectors the idle stayed normal then after my drive home it is back.
Sorry for the long post but new to the hole diesel factor. The PW were results form his EFI live
Over the next bit i should be over my injector paranoya:beer:
Sorry for the long post but new to the hole diesel factor. The PW were results form his EFI live
Over the next bit i should be over my injector paranoya:beer: