New Member
Yesterday I discovered your blog site by googling my engine description. What a surprise to find your incredible blog. As you read the Troubleshooting Checklist I've described the most current problem. I have not been to my local dealer for diagnosis. I am not mechanically inclined but rather interested in keeping this machine in very good working order. It has been my baby since new and as many of you know, we have a relationship. As I've read many of your threads there are many upgrades I wish I had known miles ago but this is my issue at the moment. I hope you will be able to give me guidance to put the girl back together again. Thanks in advance for any help.
6.5 Engine Diagnostic Troubleshooting Checklist
Copy and paste this checklist into a new post, then answer all the questions by typing in your data into the (red) blanks as indicated - click in the middle of the blank, start typing.
Problem: Explain your problem in concise language (ie: Cranks but won’t fire). _
Prior to a trip from south Florida to VA/WV and back in the past month the vehicle has been garaged and idle since Dec. 2010. In Dec. a rebuilt Stanadyne IP, fuel filter and ground wire on the left bank was installed in PA and the vehicle ran perfectly on the return trip to Florida. During the most recent trip to VA there were several hiccups during the trip but overall everything ran well.
On the return leg of the trip I had the engine stall several times while at low speed and was hard starting and many hiccups were encountered. The hiccups were more noticeable when going uphill than level or downhill travel. The more you had your foot into the accelerator the fewer hiccups. Seemed to be a fuel delivery issue but cannot be certain until I have computer codes.
I will only know that if I take the vehicle to the dealer locally. The IP replacement in Feb. was the third IP replacement. The first was at about 63K miles while under warranty where the dealer incurred the cost of replacement.
The symptoms that I describe seem very much like what I recall when the IP was failing. ___________________________
Demographics: tell us about your truck and your ambient conditions:
- Year: _1995_____
- Truck model and class (ie: c2500) _GMC Yukon Turbo diesel 6.5L_c1500 4x4 2dr_______
- Automatic or Standard auto
- Mileage: (indicate miles or km) 232K miles
- Replaced parts and mods (IP, PMD, chip/PCM, TM, injectors etc) _
First IP replaced by dealership under warranty at or about 45K miles, second IP replaced at 220K miles with rebuilt DS IP along with engine gaskets and seals, new fuel pump, found bad driver to fuel control module in ECM and replaced with OReilly ECM. Oil pressure switch replaced at this time.
Oil cooler lines and oil filter housing gaskets replaced at 220K miles.
Multi function switch replaced at 198K with brake flush and renew. Replace wheel cylinders and rear brakes and shoes and resurface drums.
Lift pump replaced along with oil pressure sending unit at 190K miles. Drive Shaft Rebuilt at 155K miles. Replaced vacuum pump.
EGR Valve replaced with updated model at 135K miles.
Replaced Fuel driver module and reset specs at 127K miles. Replaced PCM and reprogramed TDC at 126K miles.
Alternator replaced at 123K miles.
Starter replaced at 80K miles.
Replaced Oil Pressure Sender at 84K miles.
Replaced Wastegate Solenoid and connector at 66K miles, no vacuum being supplied to turbo wastegate.
Replaced OEM Fuel injection pump at 63K miles.
Serpentine belt replaced at 51K miles.
ATF flushed at 51K miles. ATF flushed at 36K miles.
Front right side axle shaft assembly, seal and rear differential seal replaced at 34K miles.
Front right shaft stabilizer replaced at 30K miles. __________
- Model: ‘S’ or ‘F’ engine, NA or Turbo, EGR? _'S' type engine, Turbo_____________
- Ambient outside temp: (indicate *C or *F) 40-75 F
- What fuel are you using? (#1 Diesel, #2 Diesel, Bio, VO, WVO, etc) truckstop diesel
- What fuel additives are you using? Stanadyne diesel additive
- Where are you located? south Florida
General maintenance: inspect and evaluate the condition of each. When were they last changed?
- Air filter K&N cleaned and oiled at 230K miles
- Fuel filter replaced in Dec. 2010, approximately 5K miles ago.
- CDR Valve? do not know
- Coolant – last flushed/replaced at do not know
- Oil – synthetic/regular, changed at _Shell Rotella T 15W30 / 230,225 miles__________
- Batteries – state of charge, (matched set) replaced at _full matched set, new last year and maintained on Battery Tenders____________
- Battery cables and grounds (removed, cleaned and tightened): do not know
- Glow Plugs - how many miles on them? original What type? stock tested at 226K miles. Glow plug relay and fuse replaced at that time.
- Injectors - last changed at original
History: (Describe how the problem first appeared.)
- What were you doing when it happened? Driving at 65 mph
- How was the truck running fine before this problem appeared? Yes
- Has this problem ever happened before? Similar symptoms associated with IP function
- Describe any related factors that might be part of the problem. no idea
- Have you checked for DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)? (Y.N) N And? ________
1] Starting:
1a] Does the engine start? Yes
1b] Does the engine crank over? Yes
1c] Are your batteries fully charged? Yes
1d] Have you removed, cleaned, and tightened all battery connections? Yes
1e] Does your Wait to Start light come on for a time? How long? n/a
1f] Does your glow plug light come on? Yes For how long? 3-5 seconds
1g] Do you see smoke from the exhaust while cranking? What color? Sometimes, white.
1h] Does the Service Engine Light Glow during Start/bulb check? Yes
2] Fuel Issues (if not running):
2a] Can you hear your lift pump working? ____________
2b] Do you get a steady flow of fuel from the water drain (T-handle) ? _________
2c] Loosen the inlet line from the IP – is fuel coming out (Lift Pump on)? ___________
2d] Loosen an injector line and crank the engine - does fuel come out? _________
2e] Do you hear a vacuum (hiss) when you remove the fuel cap? ___________
3] PMD / IP Issues
3a] Location of PMD (on pump, on intake, remote mounted) I don't know. Will have to determine.
3b] Condition of Extension harness (if used) Vendor or Homemade? _________
3c] Condition of grounds / ground wires to IP / PMD. Check Harness. _________
3d] PMD Make: ___________
3e] PMD Age: _____________
4] Stalling Issues
4a] Do you experience stalling only when hot? Seems to be that way
4b] Does it stall under particular circumstances? (ie hit bump, or on accel) Intermittently
4c] Does pouring cool water over the IP seem to help with restarting? Have not done this
4d] Is stalling momentary (engine recovers)? _________
4e] Does SES light come on when engine hiccups? No
4f] Does cruise control quit working when engine hiccups? No
4g] Does re-starting seem to reset engine, restoring cruise and power? Yes
4h] Changes to dash lights or instruments during stalling events? No
5] Running Issues
5a] On cold start, does upper rad hose get hard before engine warms up? Have not checked
5b] Any bubbles or oil film in coolant overflow tank? No
5c] Any white slime on oil surfaces (dipstick, CDR, oil Fill cap)? No
5d] Excessive white smoke from exhaust on cold start? When hard starting.
5e] Excessive black smoke from exhaust under hard acceleration? Have not seen evidence of such.
6] Performance Issues
6a] Do you have gauges (boost, EGT) ? No
6b] Maximum boost under load? n/a
6c] Have you added a performance PCM (reflash) or Chip? no
6d] Have you changed exhaust / downpipe / crossover? No
6e] Wastegate – mechanical or vacuum (OEM)? OEM
7] Temperature-related Issues:
7a] Single or dual thermostats? Don't know
7b] Have you replaced them lately? Manufacturer of replacements? No
7c] Have you pulled and cleaned Radiator and coolers lately? No
7d] Have you replaced the fan clutch? Manufacturer of replacement? No
7e] (winter) Have you tested your antifreeze? Good to what temp? minus 10 F
7f] (winter) Are you using a winter grille cover? No
List and describe any other factors which are not addressed in this checklist. We can’t see, hear, smell, or touch your truck, so the more descriptive information you can give, the more likely it is that somebody can assist you.
Last edited by JiFaire; 09-11-2009 at 04:45 PM.
Please include your vehicle details in your signature. Click here to fill out yours.
If you need assistance with your 6.5TD, please copy our Diagnostic Checklist and start a new thread by pasting it and filling it out in detail.
Yesterday I discovered your blog site by googling my engine description. What a surprise to find your incredible blog. As you read the Troubleshooting Checklist I've described the most current problem. I have not been to my local dealer for diagnosis. I am not mechanically inclined but rather interested in keeping this machine in very good working order. It has been my baby since new and as many of you know, we have a relationship. As I've read many of your threads there are many upgrades I wish I had known miles ago but this is my issue at the moment. I hope you will be able to give me guidance to put the girl back together again. Thanks in advance for any help.
6.5 Engine Diagnostic Troubleshooting Checklist
Copy and paste this checklist into a new post, then answer all the questions by typing in your data into the (red) blanks as indicated - click in the middle of the blank, start typing.
Problem: Explain your problem in concise language (ie: Cranks but won’t fire). _
Prior to a trip from south Florida to VA/WV and back in the past month the vehicle has been garaged and idle since Dec. 2010. In Dec. a rebuilt Stanadyne IP, fuel filter and ground wire on the left bank was installed in PA and the vehicle ran perfectly on the return trip to Florida. During the most recent trip to VA there were several hiccups during the trip but overall everything ran well.
On the return leg of the trip I had the engine stall several times while at low speed and was hard starting and many hiccups were encountered. The hiccups were more noticeable when going uphill than level or downhill travel. The more you had your foot into the accelerator the fewer hiccups. Seemed to be a fuel delivery issue but cannot be certain until I have computer codes.
I will only know that if I take the vehicle to the dealer locally. The IP replacement in Feb. was the third IP replacement. The first was at about 63K miles while under warranty where the dealer incurred the cost of replacement.
The symptoms that I describe seem very much like what I recall when the IP was failing. ___________________________
Demographics: tell us about your truck and your ambient conditions:
- Year: _1995_____
- Truck model and class (ie: c2500) _GMC Yukon Turbo diesel 6.5L_c1500 4x4 2dr_______
- Automatic or Standard auto
- Mileage: (indicate miles or km) 232K miles
- Replaced parts and mods (IP, PMD, chip/PCM, TM, injectors etc) _
First IP replaced by dealership under warranty at or about 45K miles, second IP replaced at 220K miles with rebuilt DS IP along with engine gaskets and seals, new fuel pump, found bad driver to fuel control module in ECM and replaced with OReilly ECM. Oil pressure switch replaced at this time.
Oil cooler lines and oil filter housing gaskets replaced at 220K miles.
Multi function switch replaced at 198K with brake flush and renew. Replace wheel cylinders and rear brakes and shoes and resurface drums.
Lift pump replaced along with oil pressure sending unit at 190K miles. Drive Shaft Rebuilt at 155K miles. Replaced vacuum pump.
EGR Valve replaced with updated model at 135K miles.
Replaced Fuel driver module and reset specs at 127K miles. Replaced PCM and reprogramed TDC at 126K miles.
Alternator replaced at 123K miles.
Starter replaced at 80K miles.
Replaced Oil Pressure Sender at 84K miles.
Replaced Wastegate Solenoid and connector at 66K miles, no vacuum being supplied to turbo wastegate.
Replaced OEM Fuel injection pump at 63K miles.
Serpentine belt replaced at 51K miles.
ATF flushed at 51K miles. ATF flushed at 36K miles.
Front right side axle shaft assembly, seal and rear differential seal replaced at 34K miles.
Front right shaft stabilizer replaced at 30K miles. __________
- Model: ‘S’ or ‘F’ engine, NA or Turbo, EGR? _'S' type engine, Turbo_____________
- Ambient outside temp: (indicate *C or *F) 40-75 F
- What fuel are you using? (#1 Diesel, #2 Diesel, Bio, VO, WVO, etc) truckstop diesel
- What fuel additives are you using? Stanadyne diesel additive
- Where are you located? south Florida
General maintenance: inspect and evaluate the condition of each. When were they last changed?
- Air filter K&N cleaned and oiled at 230K miles
- Fuel filter replaced in Dec. 2010, approximately 5K miles ago.
- CDR Valve? do not know
- Coolant – last flushed/replaced at do not know
- Oil – synthetic/regular, changed at _Shell Rotella T 15W30 / 230,225 miles__________
- Batteries – state of charge, (matched set) replaced at _full matched set, new last year and maintained on Battery Tenders____________
- Battery cables and grounds (removed, cleaned and tightened): do not know
- Glow Plugs - how many miles on them? original What type? stock tested at 226K miles. Glow plug relay and fuse replaced at that time.
- Injectors - last changed at original
History: (Describe how the problem first appeared.)
- What were you doing when it happened? Driving at 65 mph
- How was the truck running fine before this problem appeared? Yes
- Has this problem ever happened before? Similar symptoms associated with IP function
- Describe any related factors that might be part of the problem. no idea
- Have you checked for DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)? (Y.N) N And? ________
1] Starting:
1a] Does the engine start? Yes
1b] Does the engine crank over? Yes
1c] Are your batteries fully charged? Yes
1d] Have you removed, cleaned, and tightened all battery connections? Yes
1e] Does your Wait to Start light come on for a time? How long? n/a
1f] Does your glow plug light come on? Yes For how long? 3-5 seconds
1g] Do you see smoke from the exhaust while cranking? What color? Sometimes, white.
1h] Does the Service Engine Light Glow during Start/bulb check? Yes
2] Fuel Issues (if not running):
2a] Can you hear your lift pump working? ____________
2b] Do you get a steady flow of fuel from the water drain (T-handle) ? _________
2c] Loosen the inlet line from the IP – is fuel coming out (Lift Pump on)? ___________
2d] Loosen an injector line and crank the engine - does fuel come out? _________
2e] Do you hear a vacuum (hiss) when you remove the fuel cap? ___________
3] PMD / IP Issues
3a] Location of PMD (on pump, on intake, remote mounted) I don't know. Will have to determine.
3b] Condition of Extension harness (if used) Vendor or Homemade? _________
3c] Condition of grounds / ground wires to IP / PMD. Check Harness. _________
3d] PMD Make: ___________
3e] PMD Age: _____________
4] Stalling Issues
4a] Do you experience stalling only when hot? Seems to be that way
4b] Does it stall under particular circumstances? (ie hit bump, or on accel) Intermittently
4c] Does pouring cool water over the IP seem to help with restarting? Have not done this
4d] Is stalling momentary (engine recovers)? _________
4e] Does SES light come on when engine hiccups? No
4f] Does cruise control quit working when engine hiccups? No
4g] Does re-starting seem to reset engine, restoring cruise and power? Yes
4h] Changes to dash lights or instruments during stalling events? No
5] Running Issues
5a] On cold start, does upper rad hose get hard before engine warms up? Have not checked
5b] Any bubbles or oil film in coolant overflow tank? No
5c] Any white slime on oil surfaces (dipstick, CDR, oil Fill cap)? No
5d] Excessive white smoke from exhaust on cold start? When hard starting.
5e] Excessive black smoke from exhaust under hard acceleration? Have not seen evidence of such.
6] Performance Issues
6a] Do you have gauges (boost, EGT) ? No
6b] Maximum boost under load? n/a
6c] Have you added a performance PCM (reflash) or Chip? no
6d] Have you changed exhaust / downpipe / crossover? No
6e] Wastegate – mechanical or vacuum (OEM)? OEM
7] Temperature-related Issues:
7a] Single or dual thermostats? Don't know
7b] Have you replaced them lately? Manufacturer of replacements? No
7c] Have you pulled and cleaned Radiator and coolers lately? No
7d] Have you replaced the fan clutch? Manufacturer of replacement? No
7e] (winter) Have you tested your antifreeze? Good to what temp? minus 10 F
7f] (winter) Are you using a winter grille cover? No
List and describe any other factors which are not addressed in this checklist. We can’t see, hear, smell, or touch your truck, so the more descriptive information you can give, the more likely it is that somebody can assist you.
Last edited by JiFaire; 09-11-2009 at 04:45 PM.
Please include your vehicle details in your signature. Click here to fill out yours.
If you need assistance with your 6.5TD, please copy our Diagnostic Checklist and start a new thread by pasting it and filling it out in detail.
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