Old Iron Runner
Hello. I have the 6.5L in the signature of course. I have the stock fan in it. According to UPS my A-Team is suppose to be here Friday, after a break in period I am planning on turning my fuel screw in the rest of the way. I also am working on a sweet custom intake. I will post pics of that later after it is finished. I planning install of the turbo for the weekend. May post pics. Anyways, I want to upgrade my fan to one that pulls a lot more air. What would people recommend and if possible, a bolt on option for me. I figure with the extra fuel and air I may be getting temps hotter than they are now. I also plan on going to a 180* T-Stat this weekend. It has a 195* in it now. Temps have never gone above 205* when rodding it for extended periods, but that was with current fueling. I don't need mass amount of cooling, just enough that when I want to have some fun, it doesn't get too hot for me.