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My stalling issue


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Fabius, NY
Well, took the truck to get it aligned today. I got bad news. A bad lower passenger side ball joint. This mechanic i took it to is a professional in a vehicles steering system. He does alignments old school, no machines, just mirrors. He took my truck for a ride and said he didnt like the steering at all. I told him it felt like i was loosing power steering every once in a while when turning at slow speeds. He saw my new steering components and asked me if i replaced the gearbox. He got into saying that something is wrong with that gearbox. He says either it is a bad core, or it is the wrong box. He told me it was poutting excess strain on my power steering pump due to it not moving enough fluid. He said maybe the pitman arm was pounded on and that can crush a bearing in the top of the box. I did pound on it a little. And i got to thinking, excess stress, stalling at slow speeds...... Hmmmmm, we might have just found the culprit!! So i dug out the reciept and am going to call the place tomorrow to try and get another pump and install it this weekend. I will be extra gentle this time. He also base aligned my truck!! The steering wheel is actually straight! And he didnt charge me. I have an appointment nex wednesday for the ball joint, then again dec 4th for the final alignment. Just figured id let you all know... Interesting yah know...
Base alighnment is a quick ball park job for now... My drivers side was toed out by 3/8 and the pass side was toed in a little...
All the work you just did on the truck, and you're going to pay someone to swap out the balljoint?

You think a binding steering box/pump is enough to Stall out a 6.5 diesel? I don't. Even if that pump seized up, I think the engine would happily smoke the belt around it before coming close to stalling.
Yes i am going to pay someone to do that lower ball joint. I do not have the patience to cut rivets, drill out the rest of the hardened rivets, and then pound the joint out. I dont know, if it is enought to stall it, but it is about the only thing i am going off of. It is hard to steer the truck, you need to use some force, something is wrong..