I would get the whole assembly with the new bearing. By the time the rubber wears out, the bearing itself is right behind it. Sometimes the bearing begins to fail and damages the rubber from the vibration.
Napa, rock auto, are good options.
That is so rough it looks original. Something to consider if there is a good driveline shop near you, last time I took them front and rear driveshafts had them install the new carrier bearing, all new ujoints, and balanced the drivelines.
Mine wasn’t as bad as yours, and my ujoints were doing ok but been on a long time. Having it all done at once made a noticeable improvement. And nothing to worry about for a long time to come. The showed me both my drivelines were out of balance- from factory. Now for the next couple hundred thousand miles just grease and at some point will need unjoints- I will just swap them all at once and not worry about it for a long time again.