Must be hot out here hitting 117 this weekend...
Can't get the suburban to cool down as much as it should even at freeway speed. 110 degrees out. Like the back of my shirt is soaked after a 1 hour drive.
Verified charge by recovering the system and it is at the 4 Lbs 134A spec. Compressor was replaced before I bought it and was a s#it job as the original accumulator is still on it. :mad2:
Dmax fan and Kennedy low temp fan clutch. Clean radiator and condenser. Rear air equipped.
Low side is high at idle and high side gauge flutters. ~60 PSIg low side. Reving engine to 1500 -2K brings down the low side with the high side going from 250 to 300 PSI. Again it is hot out here.
The high side fluttering make me think the compressor puked a reed valve. Just want to make sure the 'old' accumulator and the TXV on the rear system would not cause this issue.
Can't get the suburban to cool down as much as it should even at freeway speed. 110 degrees out. Like the back of my shirt is soaked after a 1 hour drive.
Verified charge by recovering the system and it is at the 4 Lbs 134A spec. Compressor was replaced before I bought it and was a s#it job as the original accumulator is still on it. :mad2:
Dmax fan and Kennedy low temp fan clutch. Clean radiator and condenser. Rear air equipped.
Low side is high at idle and high side gauge flutters. ~60 PSIg low side. Reving engine to 1500 -2K brings down the low side with the high side going from 250 to 300 PSI. Again it is hot out here.
The high side fluttering make me think the compressor puked a reed valve. Just want to make sure the 'old' accumulator and the TXV on the rear system would not cause this issue.