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"May contain up to 10% biodiesel" On truck stop diesel pump, AZ


Well it hits on 7 of 8...
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Heads up! The clean air stickers you ignore for gas vehicles now applies to diesel fuel!

"May contain up to 10% biodiesel" On Flying J truck stop diesel pump in Phoenix, AZ. (Normally I run one shy of another zero on this, B99.)

There went the 5% limit most DPF systems have. There went most 6.5 TD lift pumps and any fuel hose that is not rated for Bio fuel. And I have run into lots of cheap new hose that turns to goo with biodiesel. Watch your Diesel pumps for this sticker and if your rig is not prepared for it avoid it. Otherwise you will have issues.

Early DPF system limits are 5% before it gets in your oil. Oil analysis labs do not generally detect biodiesel engine oil contamination. Lift pumps for 6.5 diesels are NOT compatible with ANY % of biodiesel. Hoses even sold today can have issues with biodiesel. Factory hoses after 1995 should not have issues except for age and subpar replacement hoses. (1/4" fuel lines.)

Lifespan of the stock lift pump is about 3-6 months after exposure before the valves are eaten off by the methanol left over in biodiesel from the process.

There is expensive hose available with green biodiesel biofuel compatible writing on it. A Walbro FB5 lift pump is a good choice to get ready for this or deal with it if it is in your area. I have not had trouble with crimped rubber lines that go to the tank as far back as 1993. Just engine hoses and the two hoses from the engine to the fuel lines.
Guys up here have been running B5-B20 in their 6.5s for several years and I don't recall alot of hollering about early LP failures but I could certainly have missed it. I have heard complaints about incompatible hose though.
Results for lift pump failures are with B99 and 550 miles per day. I have ruined lots of them factory and aftermarket. I forget the high use I give them. Less exposure and use would eat/break the valves slower I imagine. Maybe it hides in the rattles but no flow or pressure yearly lift pump change? In any case Menthol use voids the lift pump warranty and warranty of several fuel pumps. Not that the parts counter guy is gonna catch that from Biodiesel.
I have run B10 in mine for 4 years and no issues yet. That is about 60k miles at 14-15 mpg avg. Thats around 4k gallons.

Damn after figuring that I drive intirely TOO much. LOL
Found another truck stop with 5% bio.

You know the $1.00 per gal fuel blender tax credit is being used to do this. This is why I get B99, not B100 delivered by a local biodiesel refinery. The "Blender" gets the $1.00 per gal tax credit and the end user gets all the 'issues' of lift pumps and hoses...
I have yet to put fuel with Bio in it (unless it was unlabeled) in my 99 since I've owned it. Since moving there are many places around here that sell B20, B50, B99 or B100 but I was worried about the rubber items in the truck.

So, it sounds as if the lift pump is the only item I have to really worry about?
When I was in BC, every pump was marked up to 5% bio.

I'm running pushlok line fromt he tank to the FM, been so for about a year. No problems.

I'm also running a Raptor 100 so no lift pump/bio issues for me.......;)
Yes' the factory AC-Delco lift pump and Autozone lift pumps valves get eaten by the biodiesel. My last AZ pump didn't make 90 days on B99. Most lift pumps will void the warranty if methanol is used. Methonal is used to make biodiesel and not all of it gets removed. The pump needs to specify biodiesel compatible to have a long live. I even ruined a Carter rotary vane pump on B99. more fuel and higher % make the problem worse. The factory pump will rattle away and not move any fuel.
Simon, which do you run, 5%, 10%, B20, B99?

Is it going to gel at lower temperatures when cold?

Not that that would be a problem for me...
Dave,AFAIK by law,all diesefuel sold in our province has to have from now on 10 % bio in it from spring till winter(don't know exact date)

And yes,at freezing temps it might get solid,....here that does matter ;)
Simon, is it 10% or 20%? I got a letter from my supplier but can't remember. I think our gas is 10% ethanol.

Dave,AFAIK by law,all diesefuel sold in our province has to have from now on 10 % bio in it from spring till winter(don't know exact date)

And yes,at freezing temps it might get solid,....here that does matter ;)