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LSD Diesel Still Around


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Chi-Town Suburbs
my local fuel station still has a sticker for the old diesel. the 500 ppm lsd stuff. the funny thing is the sticker looks pretty new and the pump has been checked in december for accuracy. because of that i would think they would make them get a new sticker unless it is actually lsd diesel. btw this isnt a rural fuel station and this is not off road diesel either. also it says the diesel contains 5-20 percent of biodiesel. never gelled up on me so im thinking there using 5 percent
Yea, LSD is still around at some Fuel Stations. Just gotta be lucky enough to have one of those Stations in your Area.
I think I've seen one station actually offer off road diesel(at the time I didn't know what it was) and that was in Vermont. I've never seen a pump anywhere I've been for LSD. That's a shame. Isn't LSD "better" for the pumps that aren't so lucky to be lubricated by engine oil?
yeah its better for your pumps. if your ever by a large farming community the local fuel staitions will have off road diesel
A couple quarts of two stroke oil in each tank helps a lot with the problems created by ULSD; it makes a huge difference. I usually just dump in a gallon on Walmart "power tech" or whatever brand marine 2 stroke oil; costs $7.97 a gallon, I use one every couple tanks.

Better mileage by 1-2.25MPG depending on the season and fuel (by my measurements), quiets the engine down and smoothes things out, and I'm sure its better for the CP3.

The difference in engine noise was such that I was so used to hearing my motor running on two stroke oil that when we took it on a cross-country roadtrip and my buddy filled it twice without adding oil while I was asleep, the difference in tone from the engine woke me up.
I think I've seen one station actually offer off road diesel(at the time I didn't know what it was) and that was in Vermont. I've never seen a pump anywhere I've been for LSD. That's a shame. Isn't LSD "better" for the pumps that aren't so lucky to be lubricated by engine oil?
You have to be careful about fuel that is labeled "OFF ROAD" diesel fuel. It may still be the new ultra low sulfur ULSD fuel, but off road diesel fuel is treated with a red dye indicating that road taxes have NOT been paid. Getting caught with untaxed diesel fuel in your truck could cause you a heap of trouble with the DOT and very high fines.

Regular LSD diesel fuel has a higher energy content and will give better fuel economy. My truck gets about 2 MPG better on the highway with LSD fuel vs. ULSD fuel.
The station I use all the time just switched from Thornton's to Gulf. New pump says LSD. Man I hope that's true....
5-20 percent of biodiesel?! that will be an issue for the 2007+ LMM engines or other DPF equipped engines. The Bio doesn't evaporate as well on post injection during the exhaust strokes and winds up in the engine oil. Biodiesel was the best additive for lubricity though.
The station I use all the time just switched from Thornton's to Gulf. New pump says LSD. Man I hope that's true....

You saw that new sticker on the new pump too huh? Hope it's really LSD fuel. I can't see that sticker being put there by "accident".
You saw that new sticker on the new pump too huh? Hope it's really LSD fuel. I can't see that sticker being put there by "accident".

Yup...Especially on a new pump.

Speaking of new pumps, why is it so damn difficult to find a pump with a credit card reader? Almost every diesel pump I use doesn't have one for some reason.....
Yup...Especially on a new pump.

Speaking of new pumps, why is it so damn difficult to find a pump with a credit card reader? Almost every diesel pump I use doesn't have one for some reason.....

The new sticker on a new pump is why I wonder about it. If the sticker had looked 10+ years old and the pump was ancient like the one that used to be there then I'd think nothing of it.

Speaking of The now Cumberland farms perhaps? The only ones i find w/ CC readers are the Diesel pumps that share the same pump housing as the Gas pumps. There's one in downtown Shelton that shares the pump housing with the Kerosene pump. Any one i've seen that's strictly Diesel has no CC reader.