I went camping last week,and before I left I adjusted the TM to lower the boost for towing. It would get 16/18 towing 14/16 unloaded. Well now I can't get it over 4/6 lbs. I think the actuator arm is worn out and not letting the wastegate seat properly. It has play both in/out and side/side.Is this a common issue with 220.000 miles. Also on my trip, an hour in the radiator upper neck split and I went to 230*. I got lucky in this one horse town that had one in stock and I put it in and made it to the campground. The truck went about 100-150 miles and the LCL came on. I put about a 3/4 gallon water in and kept going. About 75 miles later had to do it again. I don't see anything hitting the ground except AC water. Went out this morning same thing, about 3/4 gallon of water. The truck runs fine and starts fine and holds pressure and doesn't overheat. No water in the oil either. Is there a way I can verify bad H/G. Pull a inj.? Or?? Is it possible that it's blowing out the overflow while driving due to a faulty pressure cap.