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looking to make Bio D, is there a pre fab kit?


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looking to make Bio D, is there a pre fab kit? I'm looking for a starter kit, or something like a bread maker, you know, put the ingredients in, adjust the machine on how brown you want it and then wait for that sweet aroma of cooking bread, or in this case Diesel. I've seen some on line but would like to hear you guys recommendations. I've a very limited knowledge of chemistry but I think attention to detail and good industrial safety practices should carry me through. If there is a cook in Virginia please PM me and let me know what beer/liquor you drink
Or hit walking j ranch... he has a machine on there. Or did. Even has the links to the tax forms if you are into that sort of thing.
I found Duda Diesel, they seem to have everything for the small home cookers esp the test equipment and instuctions, I found most all the equipment and chemicals local much cheaper than the pre fab stuff. I've make about fifteen liters so far, will start ramping up to 30 gallon batches real soon