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<FORM onsubmit="JavaScript: return true;" method=post name=CellHandlerForm action=/si/> Document ID: 799272 <HR>
Intake Manifold Tube Removal (California Emissions)
<LI type=1>Remove the turbocharger boost sensor bracket bolt. <LI type=1>Remove the turbocharger boost sensor with bracket. <LI type=1>Remove the intake air heater and gasket.
<LI type=1>Remove the EGR cooling hose clamps. <LI type=1>Remove the EGR cooling hose. <LI type=1>Remove the EGR bolts and nuts. <LI type=1>Remove the EGR cooler bracket bolts. <LI type=1>Remove the EGR cooler bracket. <LI type=1>Remove the EGR and cooler.
<LI type=1>Remove the intake manifold tube bolts and nuts. <LI type=1>Remove the intake manifold tube.- Remove the intake manifold tube gaskets.