Formerly: Dad's 05 LLY
On tonight's news the leading story was that a man and his daughter were killed near Rushford MN in far southeastern MN due to a woman pulling a trailer with her pickup having the trailer come detached and smash head on into his car. Please don't be one of those people. This is a sad reminder of what everyone should do when hooking up, making sure you have the proper ball, chains are in good condition, don't drag on the ground, and are properly attached, as well as a working emergency brake on the trailer, and proper wiring and lighting. Please don't be one of those accidents. Stay safe, and have a great summer of towing.
Link to a short news story on the accident: http://www.startribune.com/local/95187919.html
Link to a short news story on the accident: http://www.startribune.com/local/95187919.html