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I've had it with that damned oil filter!

great white

Well-Known Member
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Canada's Ocean Playground
Anyone know what remote adapters work with a 6.5?

I've had enough of struggling with changing the bloody thing on my 4x4!

Next time, it's comming off and getting remote mounted for ease of access. I don't know what some stupid engineer was thinking when he designed that PITA.

Anyone know where to go or what to look for in a remote adapter?
There have been a number of dual-bypass setups out there over the years. However, since I started following 6.5-oriented boards in '99 I have never seen a single remote setup that was "right" discovered or discussed.

I found a good many years ago that the kevlar gloves with little rubber nubs on the palm and fingers I have work better than any filter or strap wrench I had. With the gloves on, I can get both hands on that sucker and get it off with no trouble anymore. 'Course you need to not overtighten it when installing the new one.
I bet if you PM Wrecker (Ashton), he can hook you up with one. You might also call Lubricationspecialist (Greg) or PMDCable (Leroy).

With all of them, if they don't carry it, they may be able to find it for you. Good guys!
I do have access to the block fitting like in the link Woody posted. Or even better the Amsoil kits.
If I can help............
BJ the Amsoil remote kit is what I've been using sine 2001 on mine, it does not eliminate the leaks over time from the 4x4 adapter so O ring maintenance is still required when they get hard but oil changes are easier/less frequent than with the OEM location & no bypass filtration.
I do have access to the block fitting like in the link Woody posted. Or even better the Amsoil kits.
If I can help............

I'd like to send a bit more business your way Leroy, but I just got a whole perma cool kit for 46 bucks shipped. I don't think you'd be able to beat that.

It's not braided lines, but I can make those up in the shop at work for nuthin'.....heck, I'm still money ahead if I just use the block adapter and filter mount and chuck the rest.

It's still money I don't really have right now, but I couldn't pass it up for the price.....

I did a dual by pass for that exact reason. Either the filter was too loose and leaked or the damn thing took dropping the drive shaft and grabbing with Channel Lock Pliars. I know you have already made your decision but if you change your mind, I got mine from Greg but that was back before I knew about this site and the great people here. I will be going with leroy now.
I'd like to send a bit more business your way Leroy, but I just got a whole perma cool kit for 46 bucks shipped. I don't think you'd be able to beat that.

It's not braided lines, but I can make those up in the shop at work for nuthin'.....heck, I'm still money ahead if I just use the block adapter and filter mount and chuck the rest.

It's still money I don't really have right now, but I couldn't pass it up for the price.....


That was a good price indeed.

I did a dual by pass for that exact reason. Either the filter was too loose and leaked or the damn thing took dropping the drive shaft and grabbing with Channel Lock Pliars. I know you have already made your decision but if you change your mind, I got mine from Greg but that was back before I knew about this site and the great people here. I will be going with leroy now.

Thanks for that :thumbsup: