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Its Finally Finished


Active Member
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Well it took awhile and was full of bumps and bruises but Im proud to announce that my Suncoast install is finally finshed and working.

Now that Ive done it a few times during this build, swapping it in and out today for the cracked housing took very little time. If you add it up it was about 6 hours of actual working time to remove it, install the new housing and reinstall it.

We drove it around for quite awhile slowly breaking it in but eventually had to let loose and pour the coals to her.

All I can say is, WOW its nice to be able to use 5th gear again and to have firm shifts that break tires loose instead of loose sloppy shifts.

At first we got a little nervous when I backed it off the lift. It baked up fine, i put it into nuetral then went to back up again and no go. Shut if off and started it back up and it went in fine.

The first few shifts were really rough and damn near put you through the windsheild but it quickly smoothed out.

Then wow, 40mph when it shifts it will break them loose and thats not even full throttle.

5th gear is nice and it is quick.

However for some reason my boost will hit 35psi now instead of 30-33psi.

Now I have two BIG things to work out in my tune. The defueling for shifts and the fact that my engine keeps limping.

All in all its a great upgrade and really run and once the tune is worked out, it will be one hell of a ride.

Off to the drag strip tomorrow to see what it will do.
Congrats Vinny.

I'll be saying the same SOON I hope..

Cool man I am tryin to decide if I want to do the build myself or not, was it too hard? I am goin to buy a tech manual when I am home on r and r this time and do some studyin. Good job man
Its not too hard, just get everything right the first time and pay attention to the manual, dont assume you remember how things went together. And always look at the bench to make sure you dont have spare parts.

Buy the ATSG manual and look at it, its fairly simple and the ATSG manual is overkill because it is for fully rebuilding it.

Theres a lot of tips and tricks you will need outside the manual and I can help with them for the most part.
Cool man thanks, I should be doing my build in the spring or early summer when ever I am don over hear and come back home.
Sounds like a lot of fun maybe when I get back i could use your help when i decide to do mine. Where did you get the ATSG manual.