I have an interesting theory on my IP code 36 now.
I first had the problem towards the tail end of winter/spring last year and it always went away when my WVO system kicked on.
I added some SAE30 to the diesel tank and code 36 eventually went away after a few tanks. Well now it's back again and only on diesel.
Makes we wonder now if it is temperature related since the problem went away over the summer on the diesel SAE30 combination. I am ruling out viscosity since you would think the colder weather would make for a slightly more viscous diesel/SAE30 combination(I know a stretch). I only add 1-2 quarts in a full 42 gallon tank.
Anyways, I was going to try fooling the IP temperature sensor into thinking the diesel temperature was a little warmer and see if the code goes away. I figured a resistor would be cheap and I have nothing to loose right now.
I think IP failure is imminent but if I can hold on to the one I have a little longer....
So my question is which wire and what ohm resistor could I use to test this theory? I would want to fool the PCM into thinking the diesel fuel was 160 deg. F.
I first had the problem towards the tail end of winter/spring last year and it always went away when my WVO system kicked on.
I added some SAE30 to the diesel tank and code 36 eventually went away after a few tanks. Well now it's back again and only on diesel.
Makes we wonder now if it is temperature related since the problem went away over the summer on the diesel SAE30 combination. I am ruling out viscosity since you would think the colder weather would make for a slightly more viscous diesel/SAE30 combination(I know a stretch). I only add 1-2 quarts in a full 42 gallon tank.
Anyways, I was going to try fooling the IP temperature sensor into thinking the diesel temperature was a little warmer and see if the code goes away. I figured a resistor would be cheap and I have nothing to loose right now.
I think IP failure is imminent but if I can hold on to the one I have a little longer....
So my question is which wire and what ohm resistor could I use to test this theory? I would want to fool the PCM into thinking the diesel fuel was 160 deg. F.