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Question - I've a temperature gauge to monitor IATs that reads 100-280F. However, I've managed to misplaced the tempurature sender before I got around to intalling it.
Checking the manufacturers web site, the difference between the 100-240F and 100-280F senders is $30 ($27 vs $57).:???:
I don't know what would be considered Normal since I haven't monitored IATs till this week nor do I recall seeing much dialoge on the subject. Searching the site revealed only this little tidbit from the Tech Library, "Significantly higher in turbocharged and supercharged engines due to the compressed air being warmer."
Do I need the extra 40 degrees of monotoring? I've been using my OBD-II reader to check things out and I'm not seeing anything over 120 and today's high here was just under 80F. Then again, what War Wagon sees in Phoenix during July and August might be of interest.
Seems to me if IATs got to 240F that would indicate a bigger issue than knowing if they were at 260 or 280.
Somebody help me avoid another learning experience by purchasing another wrong non-refundable part:hihi:
Checking the manufacturers web site, the difference between the 100-240F and 100-280F senders is $30 ($27 vs $57).:???:
I don't know what would be considered Normal since I haven't monitored IATs till this week nor do I recall seeing much dialoge on the subject. Searching the site revealed only this little tidbit from the Tech Library, "Significantly higher in turbocharged and supercharged engines due to the compressed air being warmer."
Do I need the extra 40 degrees of monotoring? I've been using my OBD-II reader to check things out and I'm not seeing anything over 120 and today's high here was just under 80F. Then again, what War Wagon sees in Phoenix during July and August might be of interest.
Seems to me if IATs got to 240F that would indicate a bigger issue than knowing if they were at 260 or 280.
Somebody help me avoid another learning experience by purchasing another wrong non-refundable part:hihi: