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IC on a Suburban

Without a cowl hood sealed off from the engine I think he's preheating the intake air.
Without a cowl hood sealed off from the engine I think he's preheating the intake air.

Agreed. I just posted this on 'another' 6.5 site about ICs.

I installed an IC on my truck about 6 months ago. My friend made it for his truck and passed it down to me when he went water injection. I don't remember any details on the IC itself; I know he got it on ebay though. The plumbing was done with exhaust tubing (we work in an exhaust shop so that part was easy). Spin the upper plenum 180* and cut to clear the wiper motor. Rotate turbo housing so it points down. IC was mounted where the factory skidplate/splash guard was via exhaust clamps welded to the frame rail. It sounds redneck but it is secure.

I didn't measure intake temps before this, but I'm sure it helps. The boost takes a bit longer to build than before, but there is another 12-15' of plumbing to pressurize.






Wow, flash back! Looks exactly like the IC I put on my 6bt conversion, but that was with the Dodge turbo. Im sure something very simular could be done with ATT.
Tim. you posted as I was typing. How did you run your configuation like the pic above or like bfourman? Obviously you did'int see a benifit then on the ATT?
Here it was when I had the IC with my GM-8 http://myweb.cableone.net/tbogemirep/ slightly different IC it was a Turbonetics IC I got from Kennedy but I believe he no longer sells them, Turbonetics may still have them available as that is where Kennedy had them drop shipped from.

Since the ATT doesn't have to boost as hard to do same work as the GM turbo did you aren't spending much time above 10 psi which is where air compression starts getting hot especially on a hot day. Were I towing heavy often and needed lots of cooling for the charge air I'd consider a reinstall the IC, just to keep from having to refill a WMI tank there was a slight performance drop off with the IC & ATT one would really have to know their truck to see the difference.

Slim Shady also removed his IC after seeing my results, I have a WMI kit but have yet to install it I will have had the kit 2 years this summer so far I've not needed it in my truck commuting role, I've not towed big in a while other than to tow a crew cab dually rolling chassis from Ferminator's place in Fl to a friends place here in Ms (that was a sight) :) the dually was bigger than my extended cab truck.

Wasn't much weight but a lot of drag wind resistance, but it never missed a beat with the rolling hills between here & there IAT temps stayed well in check and plenty of grunt from the ole ATT.
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Coolness:cool: I would never need to tow heavy and don't want to reinvent the wheel. Thinking about a future ATT swap. Good to know the extra expence of the IC is not really needed then.
Coolness:cool: I would never need to tow heavy and don't want to reinvent the wheel. Thinking about a future ATT swap. Good to know the extra expence of the IC is not really needed then.

You are resourceful so I suspect a WMI not out of scope of your fab skilz, in mine if I'm over 10 psi boost with the ATT where the IAT really starts to climb I'm 100+mph, prior to ATT I'd have to be 12-14 psi with the GM turbo to do that before and IAT is a straight line up after that hit about 275F for X seconds (my scanner isn't fast enough for me to know exact IAT over time) and you defuel to 50mm from IP until you shut down & restart your truck.

No codes but a more sluggish acceleration from the truck and on scanner once IAT defuel is set it won't go past 50mm max fuel rate until reset with a key off.
Seems like i'd be all set with just ATT then. Im after MPGs. Off the top of my head & thinking out loud. would WMI improve MPG or is it not recomended unless under a big load. Back in the 70's we used to do water injection on gassers, kind off the same idea in my head but for the diesels.
Bill Heath says more mpg with WMI he has a 50 gal water tank but that is with GM turbo set to come on starting at 2psi ATT doesn't spend much time at cruise speed above 2 psi that is rite where boost stays @ 70 mph 2-3 psi, so I'll have to play with it to see mpg gains if any once I install my WMI.
Do you know of any good reading on the subject? Its getting late, going to sleep soon. Will google it en manana.
Still don't know why Bill isn't sold on the ATT.....Not suggesting anything negative, just wondering why he's not endorsing it and/or using it.

He must have some reservations he hasn't worked out yet, I guess.