Matt Bachand
Depends on the 6.5
There are 2 wires that go the alternator and of course the one charge wire.
I assume one wire sends the tach signal, how does the turn on work? I know it has a voltage regulator internally, does it automatically know when to 'charge' and when to not?
When I swapped my alternator, i noticed the 2 wires were alittle worn down insulation wise, they still looked connected, I cleaned em with electrical cleaner, and retaped them, as I wasn't sure If i popped the connector open It would go back together.
The tank of fuel I had (100 miles worth) when alternator failed, internally bearings shot and tach stopped working. I netted 15 mpg.
The 100 miles before was around 9-10.
I installed new alternator, and I have noticed sometimes my volt gauge is well above 14, higher than I've ever seen it. It settled a little above 14, but was much higher than 'normal' from memory anyhow.
Next 100 miles, MPG 11.
I don't know if alternator stuck charging would driop mileage that much, or if its my injectors or what, but figured I'd talk a little alternator to figure out how it works.
I'll have to get new batts for my dig volt-tester and check for sure whats coming out of it.
I also added 2 ground wires from each battery to each side's frame, I don't see how that could interfere with anything electrically though. Before I did this, my old alternator worked, and MPG's were up around 16.
I assume one wire sends the tach signal, how does the turn on work? I know it has a voltage regulator internally, does it automatically know when to 'charge' and when to not?
When I swapped my alternator, i noticed the 2 wires were alittle worn down insulation wise, they still looked connected, I cleaned em with electrical cleaner, and retaped them, as I wasn't sure If i popped the connector open It would go back together.
The tank of fuel I had (100 miles worth) when alternator failed, internally bearings shot and tach stopped working. I netted 15 mpg.
The 100 miles before was around 9-10.
I installed new alternator, and I have noticed sometimes my volt gauge is well above 14, higher than I've ever seen it. It settled a little above 14, but was much higher than 'normal' from memory anyhow.
Next 100 miles, MPG 11.
I don't know if alternator stuck charging would driop mileage that much, or if its my injectors or what, but figured I'd talk a little alternator to figure out how it works.
I'll have to get new batts for my dig volt-tester and check for sure whats coming out of it.
I also added 2 ground wires from each battery to each side's frame, I don't see how that could interfere with anything electrically though. Before I did this, my old alternator worked, and MPG's were up around 16.