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Help, my butt cheeks are impacted with snow and ice


Active Member
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near Richmond, VA
Get your minds out of the gutter. I'M TALKING ABOUT THE TRUCK.

How do ya'll in the regions that get lots of snow and ice deal with the build up in the rear fenders? Had an iceberg on both sides that filled the fender well and was rubbing on the tires and setting on the tail pipe.
Get your minds out of the gutter. I'M TALKING ABOUT THE TRUCK.

How do ya'll in the regions that get lots of snow and ice deal with the build up in the rear fenders? Had an iceberg on both sides that filled the fender well and was rubbing on the tires and setting on the tail pipe.

Get yourself one of those rubber mallets. One that has a ball peen side and a flat side. Personally, I like to clean off all the icebergs off the back of my truck at the end of the day. But if its not bad I won't bother it till the next day.

The rubber mallet is the biggest helper, makes it quicker and easier and wont damage your truck in the process. Well, unless your being an jackass with it that is:D

Oh and for the problem with the title of the post- I would start with wearing pants):h
All vehicles get parked inside at night while at home. They're melted off and nice and warm in the morning.