They should of had something over the chain, a jacket or something just in case it broke that way it wouldn't go flying and hurt someone. And a 1/2 ton tow truck what a joke.
:iagree:Tow truck driver got all pissy. He should have thanked them for all that extra ground clearance!):h I hope he didn't break a universal and lose his driveshaft on the way home!
That's priceless... But I HAVE seen worse ... years ago, we had a brand-new 1979 f150 as a company pool unit... what a POS. That was back when the last oil crisis was on (oh no - we're running out of oil! Eeek!) and Ford (like the other manufacturers) was trying hard to make a fuel-efficient truck.
They put in a 302 with tons of pollution stuff and it had NO guts. Then they cut a bunch of holes in the frame (to lighten the truck) and generally built it out of tinfoil.
One of the summer students was driving out to a wellsite with a 60-gallon drum of glycol in the back, over bumpy country gravel and dirt roads; and hit a cattleguard at about 30 mph.
Broke the friggin thing in half... the box (with the glycol) skidded to a stop in the road, and the kid (and the front of the truck) drove out through the ditch, into the prairie, with him sitting there looking UP through the windshield, all belted in, holding the steering wheel in a death-grip until the truck coasted and bumped to a stop.
His eyes were big as cowpies for about 3 days...
Ford builds some pretty good trucks now, and I just love their new f150s with the different suspension geometry, but it wasn't always like that.
That truck would have been an year 1980, i had one yrs ago too. It had a 302 auto, most gutless thing i have ever owned but by far the best traction 2X4 i have ever seen. It had the huge like 3" diameter holes in the frame just past the cab, i beefed up the leaf springs and would haul 2-3 ton on it daily. The truck was surprisingly tuff considering the reputation the frame had but the pig couldnt pass a tired VW Beetle to save its ass.
A friend had a 1980 2wd w/the 300 Six and a 4 speed. The box was so flimsy I could squeeze the bedrail area. The suspension was so soft we could bounce it off the ground w/two people.
That tow truck has a better breakover angle now. Just need to put a carrier bearing in the rear driveshaft so you don't get high centered on it.