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Gulf coast by pass filter

It looks OK I guess. I personally feel that their are better by-pass oil filter systems out there. Just my take on it after looking through their website.
it would be a huge addition in oil capacity. Not really a good place to mount it on a pick up though. But its just laying around in the way so the thought crossed my mind.
That canister is a large one. It would add a bit of oil I imagine. It looks large. Where would you mount it? On the firewall? What do the filters inside look like?
it wouldnt fit under the hood, would have to be a remote mount like on a semi. It takes 2 filters, each about the size of a large roll of paper towels. I guess it wouldnt really be practical as large as it is. It is a cloth type filter.
I have one of these oil filter systems that I had on a semi and loved it. Any thoughts about using it on a 6.5L????
is it the 0-1 or 0-2? either could be mounted under the hood. relocate batteries to the frame and that frees up a lot of space. i have an FS2000 mounted where the factory air filter used to be, fits good but will move batteries soon, hopefully. filters are easier to service under the hood than under the truck on the frame. i like the fact that it filters out water also.
cant remember which it is deejaa. But i cant imagine that big sucker being under the hood. I would put it in the bed before under the hood myself.
Where was it mounted on a semi? Something that large would probably be impractical for a pickup, but nonetheless, it would sure filter well.
some guys mount them under the hood of a semi, but I didnt like tha idea. Mine was mounted on the frame behind the cab. easily accessible and "supposedly" the oil runs a bit cooler not being under the hood. I understand it should, but Im not sure how much lower. I may remove the auxillary fuel tank in the bed since I dont really need it and mount it in the front of the bed. Kinda on the fence about the tank and the filter right now.
do you run w/ a cap? mount on the tank w/ a bracket or on the side of the bed in front of tank. i might end up putting the batteries in the bed so i will be able to mount mine better under the hood.
do you run w/ a cap? mount on the tank w/ a bracket or on the side of the bed in front of tank. i might end up putting the batteries in the bed so i will be able to mount mine better under the hood.

I dont follow you deejaa, not sure what your asking?