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GMTD scan tech


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Eureka Mo.
I’m getting close to firing up my Optimizer build finally. I have the GMTD scan basic but I need the GMTD scan tech. Can’t find it anywhere. I got my free GMTD scan basic from English Motors. I guess they closed up shop. I did see one on a web site and the amount to buy it said 1000SEK I think it was Swedish. Didn’t have any contact info Just 3 small blocks up in the corner it had a cart and took pay pal. I’m leary of buying it. Can’t find any GM Tech 1’s either just Tech 2’s. I installed the new IP pump with the solenoid straight up can’t get that lucky I'm going to need something to get the timing right. Help!!!
Thanks guys.
I bought the software through Leroy a while back, check and see if you can get it through him. Engh motors sends a passcode that may be marked as spam so keep an eye out for it if you buy through Leroy. I can dig through my email and see if I can find the old code, you can try using it as I have gone mechanical and don't need the software anymore.

They are still on ebay

Used ones available.

Not posting a ton - but they are out there as new CKO and used real ones.