Anyone measure the difference between Duraterms and the original 9G glow plugs as far as time to reach max temperature and if they do so with factory glow times?
I simply want to know if the factory glow plug time gives you similar or better heat out of the duraterms the the 9G's this engine/GP controller was designed around.
Do the duraterms go into self limiting temperature or do I need a longer glow time to get this to happen? I ask from both a 1993 stand alone controller and my 1995 burb project where extended glow time has been programmed in.
The glow system checks out down to voltage at each plug and proper resistance of the GP - all new plugs this summer.
This info may help explain why my 1993 starts better if I crank before the WTS light goes out - still suspect IP issue and just need to find time to swap it... (No 6.5 6.2 should start this hard...) I may override the GP's before I break another starter as a shortcut till I have more time... :nonod:
I simply want to know if the factory glow plug time gives you similar or better heat out of the duraterms the the 9G's this engine/GP controller was designed around.
Do the duraterms go into self limiting temperature or do I need a longer glow time to get this to happen? I ask from both a 1993 stand alone controller and my 1995 burb project where extended glow time has been programmed in.
The glow system checks out down to voltage at each plug and proper resistance of the GP - all new plugs this summer.
This info may help explain why my 1993 starts better if I crank before the WTS light goes out - still suspect IP issue and just need to find time to swap it... (No 6.5 6.2 should start this hard...) I may override the GP's before I break another starter as a shortcut till I have more time... :nonod: