ak diesel driver
6.5 driver
Drove up to fairbanks yesterday and picked up a parts truck from Jamierayo. I was running with an empty trailerand an extra set of tiresandwheels to put on the truck. Ran about as close to 65 as I could most of the way saw 13psi boost a few times and had a little tailwind avg 13.6 mpg The first 125 miles I went from 250' elevation to about 3500' fairly gradually. Then just before Fairbanks there's some pretty good hills I'd guess a couple of 6% fairly long too. Got the truck stripped of the parts Jamie wanted to keep loaded up and headed home. So I hit the hills just outside Fairbanks and started up the first and longest grade was doing pretty good until the temps started getting up there. Ended up in 2nd and temps were about 220* but the egts were only 700*. Thought I was going to have to stop but I made it. And (this is for you Matt) no fan clutch engagement. So I guess I'll be looking into the fan clutch mod. After I got thru the hills it was pretty flat roads but I pickked up a pretty good headwind (front moving in). It got so bad that I was running about 57 mph and had 900* egts and anymore throttle unlocked the convertor. I'm glad it wasn't 80* or I would have over heated. Saw a wind sock it was standing stright out which is 40knots IIRC. Finally got thru the worst of that and then I could cruise at 63 with about 6-700 egt and about 4-5 psi boost. Made it home about 11pm.