Spin off of Randy's thread as I didnt want to jack his.
I'm curious to know about different fuel additives. There are many out there and we've all seen Spicer's study on which is good and which ones are not.
I've always ran Stanadyne when I was up north. Down here, I switched to two stroke, I never noticed any difference with anything. All our fuel here is 40 cetane, which seems low, considering I've seen up to 55 at some stations up north.
Amsoil has 3 different types of additives that I've researched. I'm curious to know the difference for each one and the benefit for someone like me, who's only running a mild 90 h.p. tune and pretty much granny it around. Do these cetane boost fluids help any? I certainly dont need an anti gel.
I also dont believe that any additive will magically increase your mileage. I think thats all a load of crap. Your engine is either efficient or its not.
I ask this because my mileage has dropped considerably over the last few months. I was getting 22 mpg at 70, straight highway and after this weekend, I couldnt get over 18.5 on a full tank from Suncoast to home. I never once got over 70, no head wind and outside air temps ranged between 45-55.
The additive I've been using is new on the market for road use. They claim that it'll increase mileage up to 3-4 mpg, which I thought to be complete BS the moment I read it. They say you have to run it through at least 5 tanks to see the difference. A couple of you guys know because you've been running it too. Well, I'm at 6 tanks and I lost 4 mpg. Now, either the filter is getting clogged with 5000 miles on it or this additive really sucks and they should stick to the marine industry. I'm curious to know why such a drop has happened. It isnt like I lost 1 mpg, but 4 and I think thats pretty substantial. My S&B was recently cleaned out and I just broke 37k miles.
I'm curious to know about different fuel additives. There are many out there and we've all seen Spicer's study on which is good and which ones are not.
I've always ran Stanadyne when I was up north. Down here, I switched to two stroke, I never noticed any difference with anything. All our fuel here is 40 cetane, which seems low, considering I've seen up to 55 at some stations up north.
Amsoil has 3 different types of additives that I've researched. I'm curious to know the difference for each one and the benefit for someone like me, who's only running a mild 90 h.p. tune and pretty much granny it around. Do these cetane boost fluids help any? I certainly dont need an anti gel.
I also dont believe that any additive will magically increase your mileage. I think thats all a load of crap. Your engine is either efficient or its not.
I ask this because my mileage has dropped considerably over the last few months. I was getting 22 mpg at 70, straight highway and after this weekend, I couldnt get over 18.5 on a full tank from Suncoast to home. I never once got over 70, no head wind and outside air temps ranged between 45-55.
The additive I've been using is new on the market for road use. They claim that it'll increase mileage up to 3-4 mpg, which I thought to be complete BS the moment I read it. They say you have to run it through at least 5 tanks to see the difference. A couple of you guys know because you've been running it too. Well, I'm at 6 tanks and I lost 4 mpg. Now, either the filter is getting clogged with 5000 miles on it or this additive really sucks and they should stick to the marine industry. I'm curious to know why such a drop has happened. It isnt like I lost 1 mpg, but 4 and I think thats pretty substantial. My S&B was recently cleaned out and I just broke 37k miles.