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fluid contamination?


Staff member
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I pulled the drivetrain out of my 01 donor today and noticed the trans was about 3 quarts overfull(the fluid had a very burnt appearance, but didn't smell burnt). So I drained the transfer case and found about a 1/2 quart in it, so I know where the extra oil came from now. So I plan on freshening up the ALLISON now because of the motor oil from the transfer case having been in the tranny and it having been driven that way for awhile. Is there anything special I should do while it is apart because it was ran with the motor oil and ATF mix?
There was engine oil in the TC? I remember back when the consensus was to run 5-30 synthetic oil in the TC instead of ATF. Lots of threads went back and forth on that topic.

That could be bad, as most engine oils contain friction modifiers (with the exception of HDEOs) that will cause wet clutches to slip under load. I don't know if the friction material will tolerate a brake cleaner to remove the oils, but if it were me and I had it apart for a refresh, I'd replace the consumables since it's too convenient at that point.
The transfer case definately had motor oil in it, not ATF. I was planning on doing all frictions and steels as well as the seals in it and a converter. I don't want this tranny to give up in 10K miles because of the contaminated oil that was run in it.
Let me know if you need any moral support... I'd love to see the inside of one for myself.
This is where I'm at now. I was surprised how easy it came out actually. The fenders and radiator and intercooler were off when I bought it. I drove the truck in and spent about 5 hours to get all the harness's out intact, accesories off, transfer case off, and then pulled the engine and tranny. My 6.5 took longer to get apart than this thing did. Although this one was a tighter squeeze.


I meant if you needed help tearing anything apart; I'm about 30 min South of Z-hills in Valrico ):h
I'm just working on this thing a few hours at a time right now as to not throw my back out. If my dr new I was doing this he would have me committed to a looney bin. I'll start a thread in the newly founded conversion section on it now.