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first experimental batch of biodiesel


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I made four liters of something using four liters of canola about thirty minutes ago using this recipe: "
Methanol = 22% by volume of the WVO used

KOH = (8 grams + Titration ) X liters of oil

Temperature 130°F - 150°F

While oil is heating mix methanol and caustic

Once the oil is up to temperature add the methanol.

In an Appleseed, it should take one minute for each gallon of WVO to add the methanol. If you have a 35 gallon batch, it should take 35 minutes to introduce the methanol.

On your first few batches you should perform the methanol test every 20 minutes until it passes. Once it passes record the total mixing time and stop. If it takes longer than three hours to pass, then consider increasing the caustic for the next batch."

I got the mix in two 2Liter pop bottles but the mix has a lot of "slime" on top, I can see the red glycerine on the bottom starting to form and the amber stuff in the middle. I'm guessing the slime on top is soap, I thought I was very careful not to get any water in the mix, the only mistake I made was I started to mix at 160F+. What did I screw up?