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Electrical Problem - Rebuilt 6.5 Diesel


New Member
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Hey guys! I need help with an electrical issue I'm having with my motor. I just got my rebuilt motor in, and when I was hooking up my battery cables and the negative cable that connects my motor to my frame sparked against the exghaust down tube, when I tried to figre out where the short was I noticed the dash lights was on and would not turn off. The motor will crank over but will not start. I pulled the # 14 fuse which shows Illum, the dash lights goes out but the turn signal lights are still on as well as all of the indicator lights and the shifter lights stay on. The fuel pump does not pump fuel but when checking the power to the pig tail one wire has a slight low voltage light going to it and the other wire does not have any power to it but, (I'm working by myself and not fast enough to be able to test the fuel pump while it cycles on). I also checked the fuel pump relay and one has a solid light and when I turn the ingnition on the other lights up. Keep in mind this truck has been sitting for almost 2 years while I got the money to rebuild the motor, (the timing chain broke cause the roller lifter roller broke the pin which caused the cam to lock up). I know it's not getting fuel but the wiring has to have a short somewhere but not sure where. So I'm not sure if I need to determin the short or figure out if the fuel pump is bad or if it's a combonation of both?


Welcome to the site, you are at the right place.

Did you check all your fuse's especially the Underhood ones? They are easy to disturb while working in the engine bay. Pull em all, clean em all, and re-install.

Make sure you have all the required grounds hooked up. Do some searching for grounds. There are about 10 of them in the engine bay and frame/cab/engine etc. A few straps. VERY important.

What year truck/engine we talking about? Which IP? PMD?
Thanks. Seen your posts before. Thanks for responding.

I checked all of my fuses under the hood and in the cluster by the drives door and they all look good. The thing the bothers me is the sparking ground strap from the frame that sparks on the exghaust when it makes contact when I try to connect it to the motor. I baught the truck used and there was only a few ground straps on the truck.

The truck is a 1998 Chevrolet Dually, 6.5Turbo Diesel.

The truck just died on the side of the road almost 2 years ago with the cam locked up due to the roller lifter bearing gave out and it broke the timing chaing, so I'm not sure if what would be causing the dash lights, turn signal, instrament cluster gages and shifter light coming on and staying on. As well as the fuel pump not working but not sure if it's due to the short in the wiring or what?
I checked and my ground strap on the drivers side was almost cut through and the one connecting to the firewall was cut in half, so once I changed it, it started up (but tooks some time to get the air out of the lines). I still have my hazard lights on but not flashing, so I guess back to the drawing board to figure out what is wrong with them. Thanks Matt and Matuva for the insight. Getting closer to having my dually up and running again.