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Don't expect to see B100 at the pump anytime soon


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All my net surfing research has shown that large scale production of BioD is a big ass suck on the government titty boondoggle. http://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/lswagenergy.pdf I looked at all the tax breaks and incentives they get to offset the actual cost of BioD. This is on the same level of Solyndra and other "Green Energy" jobs that has screwed taxpayers. The only thing government has done has made it more difficult for home cookers to fine the yellow grease (WVO) needed. What restaurants use to pay to have removed now can be sold to the highest bidder who has arranged tax breaks to get it.
Not sure you worded it the way you wanted. We get 5-20% becoming common here.

B99 is the highest you will get to allow the refiner/station to get the $1.00 gal income tax credit.

IMO it is too cold to sell B99 in your area. It has trouble at 40 degrees... We get warnings in the winter to blend it some.
I can get B99 year round. I don't run it all the time, but I know a few that do. They use White bottled Power Service and run it down to around 15-20 degrees. The supplier sells it year round.