Well, I finally bit the bullet and pulled my Db2 off and took it to a local Stanadyne Shop for a refurbishing. It was smoking excessively after driving it a while and killing it-starting it back up. It would put out a nice cloud of blue smoke and then it would clear up. Was told it was the advanced plunger. When I took it in the shop owner was impressed. He pointed out that all the paint of the screws put on by the factory hadn't been disturbed! It is the original pump from 1993 that has never been cracked open! He said when he gets it set back up he will put it to stock plus 10% on the fuel screw. Been thinking about turning it a 1/4 turn before putting it back in? Any thoughts?
Also, I decided to clean up the engine while everything was out. I have noticed there has been oil residue built up around the top of the intake manifold just under the valve cover. I thought that it might be valve cover or turbo... Well now that I have it apart, I realized that the top intake bolts holes for into the head where the valve springs are. My question on this is this, should I put something like a light coat of rtv on those bolts before I put them in, or would blue locktite be good enough? Was also wondering about putting shallack (spelling?) on the Intake gasket before assembly. Any thoughts on this?
Also, I decided to clean up the engine while everything was out. I have noticed there has been oil residue built up around the top of the intake manifold just under the valve cover. I thought that it might be valve cover or turbo... Well now that I have it apart, I realized that the top intake bolts holes for into the head where the valve springs are. My question on this is this, should I put something like a light coat of rtv on those bolts before I put them in, or would blue locktite be good enough? Was also wondering about putting shallack (spelling?) on the Intake gasket before assembly. Any thoughts on this?