While driving around this afternoon it was warm 95 deg I noticed my idle was higher than usual. I have had this problem before and thought nothing of it. Today I decided to look further.
Reading the active codes I have a 98 Cylinder balance Fault #8 and 94 Cylinder balance fault #5. In history codes I have in addition to the two above I have 91, and 95 cylinder balance faults #7 and #4.
The cylinder balance fault tells me that the cylinder is not firing as it should. From research this can be due to a valve train failure not allowing enough oxygen into the cylinder or a fuel delivery issue.
The times I notice this issue is when it is warmer out. When the outside temp is cooler I do not notice this problem. Could this be PMD related? I do have a spare and I can change it out if anyone thinks this could be a possibility.
The injector pump has about 30 thousand miles on it, and the injectors have about 20 thousand miles on them. I do not think this is a valve train issue since it can clear up. The PMD is remote mounted in the bumper.
Any thoughts?
Reading the active codes I have a 98 Cylinder balance Fault #8 and 94 Cylinder balance fault #5. In history codes I have in addition to the two above I have 91, and 95 cylinder balance faults #7 and #4.
The cylinder balance fault tells me that the cylinder is not firing as it should. From research this can be due to a valve train failure not allowing enough oxygen into the cylinder or a fuel delivery issue.
The times I notice this issue is when it is warmer out. When the outside temp is cooler I do not notice this problem. Could this be PMD related? I do have a spare and I can change it out if anyone thinks this could be a possibility.
The injector pump has about 30 thousand miles on it, and the injectors have about 20 thousand miles on them. I do not think this is a valve train issue since it can clear up. The PMD is remote mounted in the bumper.
Any thoughts?