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Cummins Fuel Filter Interval

12ga diesel

Jack of all, Master of none
Reaction score
I picked up a fuel filter for the truck this week as I don't know if the dealer changed it when they changed the oil when it was traded in by the previous owner. Truck has been averaging 17 mpg (about 460 miles on the last tank), and I think I could get it up a little better by changing the filter if it hasn't been changed recently. What I want to know is how long should I go with a fuel filter on this Cummins? I know the filters on the Duramax were good for up to 10k miles, are all fuel filters the same and go the same with this engine?
Thanks for any and all input.

p.s. I am a big fan of the location of the fuel filter on the Cummins. I little easier to get to and change I think than the Duramax.