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Computers, you snooze you win


What T F, over
Reaction score
Nashport, Ohio
I'm not a 'tech whore' which means that I don't rush out and buy bleeding edge computer junk..

In fact, I build my own home PCs and pretty much have fallen out of the loop on that..even..

Which leads me to my latest computer adventure.. my old trusty and lately, kinda slow, Dell Inspiron 6000 notebook PC.. When bought in 05 she sported a whopping 1.6 ghz Intel Celeron processor with a 533 mhz front side bus (FSB) and an exlillerating 512 megabytes (remember those) of ram.. A decent 16:9 WXGA display capable of 1900x1200 pixels. Radeon x300 video, decent built in speakers.. Paid a decent sum for it new.

Fast forward 7 years and severel hunderd thousand miles, after all she rode Shotgun, seat belted in the passenger seat of the Peterbilt, she is starting to show her age.

Fear not, remember, with computers, ya snooze ya win.

I'm 1/3 the way thru Hotrodding this jewel.. just (and I mean JUST) got thru installing 2 gigs (used) of RAM in this baby! (up from 512 megs- half a gig) so YA, big difference.

The cost, $8.. :)

On the way is a new used processor.. A 2 gig Intel Dothan 533FSB.. I've already flashed the BIOS with the latest ware (A09) for this move. I may post the swap in this thread for funzies.

The cost, $9.99 shipped..

Storage is fine for now.. looking for a hard drive that has more RPM than the 60 gig job in there now.. So far so good on this drive and it's health..

I gotta feed the Nerd cells every now and then...:hihi:
I've got a couple Digital 486 100MHz computers at work that we still use. I've snoozed on those long enough I could probably bump them up to 2GHz for a nickel.:hihi: Those machines are kickin' DOS ver. 5.0 for an OS as well.
^^ That's about like the first computer I bought.. 486 DX2 66. 4 megs, yep count 'em FOUR megs of ram. :hihi:
I have an Inspiron 6400 that I upped to 4 gigs of Ram from 512 Megabytes, It cost more than $8
I bought used ram off ebay. Processor as well. Max ram for my motherboard config is 2 gigs or 2048 megs..

Heck you can buy a whole Inspiron 6000 for less than 3 bills..
Well we peeled this thing apart. Swapped out the processor. It's no wonder the performance started to suffer. The 'radiator' was plugged up! :eek:

So with the clean up, 2 gigs of ram and a 2ghz chip, she zips around real well now.

