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coffee grounds turned into biodiesel

Figures, I don't drink coffee...:hihi:

I have been reading about Diamler and another compnay working on fuel from any kind of bio waste. Can you say Flux-Capaciter...:thumbsup:
I bet it can be done. Ive wanted to know if making fuel from grass clippings would be profitable. South America somewhere uses sugar cane I believe.
I thought that oil sheen (sometimes looks like an oily skin; you'll see sometimes on stagnat water) was a bacteria. Probably grows on some of the nutrients in the water. In this case the nutrients and compounds from the coffee brew.

All (I would say) plant matter has types of nutrient components (just most plants have non digestable or unlockable nutrients relative to normal animals). Take for instance termites eat wood but its some enzyme or bacteria in their stomach that actually helps in the digestion conversion to energy.

Still coffee bean (which is a seed?) appears to have harvestable quantities of nutrient based oily value. Wonder where it will end up on yield vs the peanut, sunflower, canola or other plant.

Wonder if the bacteria helps harvest the nutrients out of the coffee???

Glad to see more and more research looking for alternatives. It would be nice to see various sources of bio oil production so as to balance cash crops world wide. Not just one species would be good to grow everywhere.
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This would shake things up because bio exhaust smells close to burnt french fries and the raw fuel plain stinks vs. #2 diesel. Coffee smell I would like better. Maybe strawberry or orange scented exhaust next?

Lets see my injector shop cry over that as they were in tears over what I did to my last set. :cryin: (Bio was not the issue, high EGT's and other abuse they had were.)
Hopefully there are many other sources that we can make diesel from, and can use it to supplement the #2 and get a better running, better burning fuel source.