1995 again.
After working on the wiring connector I am getting a current code 99. 84 sets after awhile but will not be current after clearing. 99 will stay current or not be there at all.
The STS light or SES light will not turn on with the codes engine running. The scanner can turn both lights on and off.
Voltages to the APP2 and for that matter APP1 and APP3 all are by the book in range with the 5v source at 5.01 by voltmeter and all sensors read properly in the scanner. All grounds are at 12.1mV voltmeter.
By the book the STS light should be on with a code 84/99.
I will check the harness for cross shorts and shorts to ground.
Other than a bad computer because of not turning on the trouble lights am I missing anything? (I have a computer and APP pedal on the way from a friend.)
The code appears to trigger just after key on if it is going to come on. A reset in the scanner brings back 99 after a few seconds of no codes. After key off then on it can stay code free.
Hmmm... I will pull the bats for 30 seconds now that I think about it...
After working on the wiring connector I am getting a current code 99. 84 sets after awhile but will not be current after clearing. 99 will stay current or not be there at all.
The STS light or SES light will not turn on with the codes engine running. The scanner can turn both lights on and off.
Voltages to the APP2 and for that matter APP1 and APP3 all are by the book in range with the 5v source at 5.01 by voltmeter and all sensors read properly in the scanner. All grounds are at 12.1mV voltmeter.
By the book the STS light should be on with a code 84/99.
I will check the harness for cross shorts and shorts to ground.
Other than a bad computer because of not turning on the trouble lights am I missing anything? (I have a computer and APP pedal on the way from a friend.)
The code appears to trigger just after key on if it is going to come on. A reset in the scanner brings back 99 after a few seconds of no codes. After key off then on it can stay code free.
Hmmm... I will pull the bats for 30 seconds now that I think about it...