Here we go again. Last time the cure was a rebuilt transmission after the TCC started slipping. Looks like cold weather is a factor. Checked the TPS and it is set at 0.50v idle and will snap back to 0.49v if I snap the throttle on the IP. It is coding cold with harsh shifts after startup. Rolling engine off and back on clears it up. I also get hunting at light and full throttle 3-4th gears and another gear in town. I watched the TPS on a voltmeter and did not see any flat spots.
Is a bad TPS visible on a voltmeter doing a throttle sweep? Would vibration maybe be the factor causing it to loose a touch?
Has a set code 22 - TPS voltage low. With it in adjustment I am down to the TPS being bad. I will re-check it stone cold to be sure. And it did get cold last night for here hard frost...
Is a bad TPS visible on a voltmeter doing a throttle sweep? Would vibration maybe be the factor causing it to loose a touch?
Has a set code 22 - TPS voltage low. With it in adjustment I am down to the TPS being bad. I will re-check it stone cold to be sure. And it did get cold last night for here hard frost...