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Changing front Dif oil on My Duramax


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Wynyard Saskatchewan
I recently changed Front Dif Oil in my 2004 Duramax 2500... Spec calls for 80w-90 oil gear oil.. I have herd that 75w-90 is better for the front difs in these trucks because its just a bit thinner and can save the seals inside the Dif. I Changed dif oil in my truck a day or two ago and didnt even look at the bottle that the guy at the parts department handed me... the Oil i recieved is 75w-140... This shouldnt do any damage to the truck ????????????????
It shouldn't do any damage. I would see how it runs for the time being, and the next time, go back to the recommended oil. 75W90 is better for the colder temps. The bottom number (75w) is what you should be concerned with. The 75W-140 is usually run in warmer climates.