Compression Ignition Addict
Stupid me I've kept holding off on changing my tranny fluid like I know i should. I bought my truck with 53,000 on the clock. Being originally used by the Air Force I knew they took care of it... Mainteneance wise at least:rolleyes5:
I'm concerned with changing my fluid. Reason being, the truck has 75,000 now and the last thing I need it to grenade the tranny cause I blew the seals. The fluid looks extremly clean from the dipstick and still runs a clean red color so they must have changed it at one point or another, but let me know what you guys think. Should I change it? Also, Wrecker if you could lend me a hand on what fluid I should use and how much?(Amsoil) Should I do a full flush or only the pan?
I'm so lost
Help lol
I'm concerned with changing my fluid. Reason being, the truck has 75,000 now and the last thing I need it to grenade the tranny cause I blew the seals. The fluid looks extremly clean from the dipstick and still runs a clean red color so they must have changed it at one point or another, but let me know what you guys think. Should I change it? Also, Wrecker if you could lend me a hand on what fluid I should use and how much?(Amsoil) Should I do a full flush or only the pan?
I'm so lost