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CDR hose routings


Well-Known Member
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Eureka Mo.
Hi all, I’ve combed through all the posts on this subject and boy there are a lot. I can’t decide how to do it. CDR hose routed to turbo inlet tube (factory )? Or the hose routed to the turbo outlet at the upper intake, would there be the right amount of vacuum to operate the CDR properly? Also doing it this way it wouldn’t be putting the crankcase oil vapors into the turbo. Or does the oil vapors help lube the turbo ? Also there’s a lot of catch can stuff out there too. I still need to dress up the wires and hoses in the engine bay can’t remember how they looked. Anybody out there have some pictures of there dressed up engine bay it would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.IMG_1118.jpeg
Does any body know where this brace goes to I forget. I figured out where the long and short ones goes?

As mentioned-It has to go to that intake side of the turbo for the vacuum to pull the oil vapor’s & pressure out of the crank case.

GM never cared because they make it out of warranty but Cat did a study back in the late 70’s early 80’s about oil mist into turbos and it basically shortens life and efficiency as the crud builds up. Obviously intake valves being covered in oil burns valves- just like leaking oil guide seals do on any engines.

The pressure in the crank case gets worse with higher rpm. Problem comes in that when you start getting blowby and sucking oil in directly like that the engine can run away. So GM creates the CDR to limit the amount it can suck out at higher rpm. The best thing is provent200 to capture the oil & separate it from the air stream then expel the air stream and eliminate the cdr. All the cdr does is likit (like a valve) the amount of air coming out of the crank case and allows the crank case to build pressure - which is exactly what is bad for the engine & why venting to atmosphere was done for a century before the epa came into existence.

I will never promote venting to atmosphere because it is bad for the environment and the gubmint might smack the back of my hand if I did so. But if you don’t off road and put your draught tube under water- I will never make fun of a person for venting to atmosphere. It absolutely is better for the engine to run the crankcase under a slight vacuum- so I recommend the provent because it is better for the engine, better to not spill oil on the road, and it’s a common sense solution to keeping our crazy uncle samuel happy.
That brace goes from the turbo to the intake on one of the intake bolt studs for support on the weight of the turbo on the exhaust manifold. I took your photo and drew a red circle where it goes.

as for the CDR and oil catch can. the way you have it connected in your photo is correct from factory. if you are getting oil from the CDR tube in the turbo intake, then a provent 200 is the answer. it connects inline between the CDR and the hose you have connected on to the turbo boot. iirc it's sized correctly for our trucks being one end is 1" from the CDR to the provent and the other is 3/4" going back to the boot on the turbo inlet.

finding an ideal place to mount it is up to you. the provent has a drain port on the bottom for you to drain oil that is caught. ideally you want a way for it to drain back into the engine block on it's own, but most of us just run this drain hose down underneath hanging with a plug or valve so you can drain it into a container and pour it back into the engine every so often. I mounted mine on the fan shroud in front of the AC compressor.

If your not getting oil from the CDR into the turbo or blow by, I wouldn't worry about adding a catch can. my engine puffs crank case blow by like a locomotive so I needed one to slow the oil consumption.
Thanks guys for all the info. I was just worried about blow by oil getting into my new turbo. I think I’ll try the stock set up and see how much oil gets into the turbo. It shouldn’t have a lot of blow by it’s a new engine. Thanks again.
Thanks guys for all the info. I was just worried about blow by oil getting into my new turbo. I think I’ll try the stock set up and see how much oil gets into the turbo. It shouldn’t have a lot of blow by it’s a new engine. Thanks again.
I will get You a pic of the CDR as it is setup on My truck with the ATT Turbo.
I used the total stock hose with the brace bracket but there is no place for the brace bolt to screw into.
It is plenty solid without that bolt.
Also, I had to use a double ended hose nipple to plug into the rocker arm cover and then into the turbo to get the CDR up high enough to clear over the top of the turbo.
Pics to follow at furst light. 😹
I chose to delete the CDR in favor of a modified road draft catch can. Link below. Post #15. It's an option. A little fab required.
