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Black fuel problem


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Rural Clifton, Illinois
When I had the problem with the 94, the first thing we noticed was the fuel was black.

I am wondering if this has anything to do with the new diesel fuel and bio-fuel combined.

I've noticed a lot of black on severral filter changes. A friend with a semi has commented on the same issue only proportionately bigger.

We were running about 22% bio out of the 500 gallon tank. 11% soy delivered with the fuel and 55 gallons of very good processed veggy oil.

Seems that if you go with a higher percentage of quality processed oil you will do fine.

To me the USLD sucks without some kind of additive. OUr fuel milage is down on all of our vehicles. I blame it on the fuel
I have no Biodiesel experience- just Red and ULSD.. I know that this fuel can grow fungus.. Is this what you are seeing?
I've run nothing but B5-B20 for 6-7 years and a 2 micron filter for at least the last 3 and 5 mc before that. Zero problems at 10-15k filter changes. Yeah, the elements are black when I cut 'em open but I haven't worried about it.

HOWEVER, I only go 3 days on a fillip so the most this has sat at a time would be 6-10 days in the truck. I believe the distributors are putting lubricity/biocide additives in all of it anyhow. Greg has more knowledge on that if he checks in.
Is the fuel itself black? If so you are F'Ked!

Black in the filters is usually tar from diesel or fuel breakdown. It can also be from bugs in the fuel. Run some Powerservice Bio-clean to make sure the bugs stay dead in the Bio. Bio is like brake fluid for soaking up water. So you want a biocide that mixes with the fuel not just dropping to the tank bottom looking for free water. Biocides are different so check some sites to see what one works in the fuel not at the tank bottom. The biocide will turn the fuel black as bugs die.

Lube from Biodiesel is offset by the fuel FUBARing your IP and other things when it goes south. It is very prone to bugs. Water and corrosive bug filled biodiesel took out my tank, IP, Injectors, lift pumps and a ton of filters.

You loose 10% of your MPG and power with Bio simply because it doesn't have the same BTU as #2 as well as oxygen from the alcohol used in the refining process.

My filters would turn black with #2 and be 'normal'. Usually no black from B99 use. Till the bugs moved in then they went brown.
I've been running 11 to 20+ percent bio for many years and never had a problem or saw black stuff til this new fuel came OUT. I've seen the filters turn kind of black and cruddy, but not the diesel itself. First thing we did when we got home was run a gallon into my pickle jar. It looked just like the fuel in the truck.

I think we filled the tank about 6 weeks ago. Whenever fuel was at it's low. We filled for $300 a gallon.

I should probably put a little biocide in every vehicle.

I will put some biocide in the tank. At this time there is only 3" of fuel left in there.

I used to add about a gallon of gas and a gallon of 2 stroke oil when I filled up the tank. 1 gallon of gas to 500 gallons of bio-diesel. Didn't seem to notice much difference in power or mileage.

If I'm going to have trouble, it could be wide spread. We've been filling 4 vehicles out of the tank. I haven't checked any other vehicle yet.

Thanks for the advice.
Bugs can't tolerate gasoline so you have been using a biocide of sorts. Lets see a pic of the fuel and filters.
I think it's to late for the first filter. I pitched it. The 2nd filter is coming out tomorrow hopefully. But then I thought I'd get to it today.

Did you ever have a day when it took you 2 hours to grease 5 zerks? And you still had the rest to go.