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B100 as a parts cleaner

Matt Bachand

Depends on the 6.5
Reaction score
Worcester, MA
I soaked a extremely cruddy plow motor I took apart in a gallon of b100 overnight, and it looks beautiful today.

Anyone else use it as a parts cleaner?

The price of it is dirt cheap compared to wd-40 by the gallon, or other stuff.
That is the first I have ever heard of using it for this.

I can't wait to try it! :thumbsup:
That is the first I have ever heard of using it for this.

I can't wait to try it! :thumbsup:

well you always hear that it frees up crud in the lines, and crap in your tank.

I was out of my normal wd-40 bath , so I pumped a gollon or so out of my xfer tank, it turned black instantly after submersing filthy motor in it. Motor looks good now.

Now Of course anything with rubber seals and stuff it may start to dissolve/break down the seals, but for metal It worked good.

It's still soaking... I'll blast it down with carb cleaner a few times before re-assembly anyhow.

I'm still replacing the motor, just cleaning it up to keep as a backup, so I had nothing to lose.
Took it out, blasted it with carb cleaner real fast, and bam, guts look brand new, brushes, armarture, everything, no crud.

It even took the paint over off the original stickers, and Now it looks factory again. Albeit still rusty...

Unfortunately it looks so good, now I'm debating whether or not to buy a new one.... damnit.
Hmmmm. Interesting. It does make a good solvent.

For the folks out there with kids still using crayons (or if you still use them yourselves...), yep, it's good for crayons, too (like on clothing, upholstery, etc.). I heard someone say it's good for removing pine sap/tar in which case it'll be good for washing clothes contaminated with poison ivy, too.

If you have ever spilled WVO on your truck while collecting it, or using it, You can use your left over Glycerin to pre soak the affected area, and power wash it. BAM spanking clean again. Glycerin has a list off all sorts of neat things to use it for on the bio diesel website. 1 of them is coating your exposed metal farm implements with, to prevent rust in between uses But yes B100 works great for cleaning all sorts of stuff.
My dad was saying they made soap with glycerin when he was a kid. That's why it works good for washing the truck. ;)