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Auto Enginuity


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Looking to buy this program to start messing with the TDC offset. Anyone use it with good results or is there something better to use that priced about the same which it $389.00 for the cable and enhanced GM package.

I'm in the same boat. Been mulling it over. Sucks cause I already have GMtDScan but one's OBD1 and Ones OBD1. If oyu get it before me let me know how you like it.
I have AE and love it. We have the matco and snapon scanners also and for the money the AE is just as good.
OK my question is will the AE software tell me TDCO so I can started tring to set the timing were I want it.

I have the AE. I like it. You need to buy the advanced program in order to set tdco. It is fairly easy.
I bought it a few weeks ago, with both the Ford and GM enhanced modes. I'm pretty happy with it, although it can take a minute or two to connect the first time it is plugged into the vehicle. Yes it sets TDCO, has time set, transmission, ABS and body codes as well. I would recommend the USB version as it does not need to be configured. The speed tracer software that comes with it is pretty cool, it's like having a chassis dyno.
Is anyone running their AE on a PDA? I am considering buying a scan tool of some type, but don't really want to buy a laptop if I don't have to.

I have AE and love it. We have the matco and snapon scanners also and for the money the AE is just as good.

Have you had the opportunity to run the MENTOR tool on an old 6.5?
AE is good. But as previously stated, you NEED the GM Enhanced upgrade or the plain program is just a toy.

It is a God send for checking/setting the IP timing!

Are you wanting to adjust timing occasionally, or do you just want to set it? If -1.94 is the desired setting, why not have someone set it and leave it alone?

The reason I mention this is because you'd have under $100 in having someone set it for you and then you're done.

I have a few friends with these trucks so I figured just buy it so I have it as I have 5 other GM vehicles in my family so it is worth havjng.

I have AE. Best money I've spent on the truck. I already had a laptop, so I didn't have that expense, but any old USB laptop will work fine; one with Windows XP is better than Win98, and Win95 doesn't play well with USB. I would only buy the USB AE, since the license is tied to the dongle instead of the computer. ...and it's been quite a while since laptops came with a serial port. Just make sure your laptop battery is good, since the instructions say not to use the AE tool with a power inverter connected to the truck. ...something about ground loops.

I would not want the PDA version. I have a 12" screen at 1024 x 768 (yes, it's old), and wish it were bigger so I could see more parameters at once.

It has time set function, as well as TDC learn. You can turn off individual cylinders to check for imbalance. There are a lot more features, but It's late and I'm too tired to think.

Just get it; you won't regret it. I don't know how you'd ever diagnose problems without it.
i got AE enhanced GM and FORD a couple weeks ago,for some damn reason i cant do TDC set (had to use KoKo)nor cut out individual injectors + cant acces body or tranfer case on my 98.Activation and onboard test windows are blank.When i activate speed tracer,my puter displays only gibberish.:ANGRY_~317:
sofar the vendor is puzzled as well,still working on it.:thinking: