got to thinking on the way home yesterday, long drives do that to me, and figured i would try something diff with the turbo tube, have not run across this being done before. used the cut-off section from the intake, angled it enough to fit, camphered the edges, ground off/smoothed the mounting nub, used 2 boots, one from old turbo, other from old engine, and mounted the turbo to intake. took an hour and a half.
it's a rigid mount, didn't have to shorten the tube, just a little angle.
seems to hold a better boost, shows 2 psi climbing overpasses but i still have a crossover leak. (i will be removing the screws for the donut/clamps and replace w/ studs) seems to working good after 60 miles.
cell phone pics!
it's a rigid mount, didn't have to shorten the tube, just a little angle.
seems to hold a better boost, shows 2 psi climbing overpasses but i still have a crossover leak. (i will be removing the screws for the donut/clamps and replace w/ studs) seems to working good after 60 miles.
cell phone pics!