6.2/6.5 convertion rebuit comming
Hello stephen here from southern oregon just got a sweet deal on a 95 suburban. Great condition new trans new injector pump new paint great clean interior. Engine... Blown head gasket . After my freind took off the heads you could see the rings not good. I owned a 94 the engine has 231k on it. my first thought was to take the engine out of it and put it in the very clean 95, After thinking about it for a couple of days i decided to sell my 94 and take the $$$ and buy a new or rebuit engine so thats what i did just sold my 94 and orderd a 6.2/6.5 convertion from heath deisel it should ship friday. having never done this kind of work before, its a little scary. I need to get it done with 9 kids we dont have a vehicel to hold all of us so the sooner i get it in the better. heat didnt want the old engine. is there a market for anything like that? anyhow got the old engine out just waiting for the replacment.:smile5: