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95 6.5L 300k mile service


Just a farm kid...
Reaction score
Seiling, Oklahoma
Ok, there are alot of things the truck needs. It currently marks it's territory w/ every fluid but atf.

I have a reman/updated 5521 ip and will be adding ftb at the same time. Who sells ftb now days? I'd like some good instructions too!

Water pump has been leaking for 30k. Getting 00 pump, what brand and where do I get it?

Harden spin on clutch, IIRC Malibu used a dmax clutch. I already have a dmax fan.

Timing set, I don't need gear drive really so will probably just do a chain. I think cloyes is about the only choice but am open to ideas.

Soon will be energy suspension body mounts, rear axle seals (needs g80 work), rebuild rear brakes (wheel cylinder is leaking), try and work oil cooler lines in even though they still don't leak.

Source Unknown
FTB: IIRC the ATT team has it, or try Leroy.

Water pump: RockAuto; just pull-up model year 2000 and check the associating picture for a spin-on. Or I have a used spin-on with ~95K miles (from a 4.10 geared engine), but will take no offense if you want to pass on this ;).

Timing set: Depending on how long you want to wait, might get with Leroy for the gears that he is working on.

How about a GM-8? I still have my old one :D
I traded my gm8 for the tuning lol. Still running gm4 off and on w/ banks. Next I have a wh1c, not sure if all the hx35 mods work on them but I feel it can't hurt.

I wouldn't mind doing gears and I guess they are reusable once the engine needs replacing. I need it done before spring because once late april/may gets here I won't slow down until July and don't want to pull the water pump twice.

Source Unknown
Thanks for the link! I hate drilling on delicate partsbut this should make it a bit easier.

I will also add idler and pitman too. Moog, no surprisethere.
I tried a cobalt when I did mine . Ended up just using a couple of cheapos. Seem to cut better.

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Cobalt"s are supposed to be harder, maybe they had a poor cutting edge?

I bought one of those drill doctor sharpening tools and ran all my small bits through it. Now I have to resharpen each one by hand when I use them. What a POS. Small bits strain my eyes when I sharpen them.
Been wondering about the drill doctor. Don't own one but have wanted to give one a shot. Maybe not.. I'm fortunate to have eyes like a hawk so the ol stone and motor works.
I've read where some are good and some not.

I used to have eye's like a hawk, I could read the second last line off an eye chart. Years of welding and metal in my eyes have had some effect. Age doesn't help either.:rolleyes5:
Get the Bosch Spin on water pump at RockAuto. It was half the price of the AC Delco and just as good.
I got my FTB from walking j. @300mi I would really check all the suspension bushing and body pucks while your at it. Mine are half rotted at 270k
since its the run around half ton that wont be tugging the magnum or swather around, I would think a cheaper fan clutch and 9 blade steel fan would be plenty. I am personally a sucker for delco stuff as far as the WP goes, but as long as you get some sort of a 00 water pump you should be good.
I got my original FTB from walking J. If you want to make your own the thread size in the top of the ip is AN #4. Last time I bought a AN #4 to 3/8" barbed fitting from summit and I had some braided 3/8" stainless fuel line from left over from the 69 c10. On the FFM I used a half inch NPT drill and tap and then used a 1/2" to #6 AN adapter also from Summit. I then put a AN #6 hose end on the stainless line. The fittings were less than $10.

The fan Hayden HD clutch was a spin on from Rock Auto. It supposedly came on at 170*... seemed to work great in Little D.

The water pump was an AC Delco 2000 model from Rock Auto. There is a specific part number for the good one.... the one that equalizes the flow from one side of the motor to the other. I wrote it down but it seems to have disappeared.
On the water pump I thought I had heard there are 2 different part numbers and remans are a big risk. That's why I was asking, I hoped someone had the number, I hate having to return parts.

The fan clutches were cheaper for the dmax actually by $12. Malibu said it came on sooner than oem on his 6.5l.

Already have the plastic dmax fan and like the idea of it being lighter weight.

Source Unknown
Boy at 300K miles the list could be endless. Might want to do the buttons on the rocker arms.

Engine out? Going to freshen it up or just main consumables? Oil pump? lifters? can you add another block heater? (if so I'd add and use the old one till it dies I don't think you have to worry so much about them leaking just burning out????).
ACDELCO Part # 251603 {#12456231, 19168609, 88894035} OE Design; Stamped Steel Impeller One of our most popular parts
Water Pump Kit W/Gasket, PULLEY

ACDELCO Part # 131103 {#12559336} OE Temperature One of our most popular parts
THERMOSTAT,Engine COOL(W/Gasket) 190 DEG

That is the thermostat and water pump part #s I used.
Honestly the engine runs great, just a rattle from the front timing cover. Doesn't use oil. Has good power. A block heater might be a good idea w/ the coolant already drained but it started fine the past 3 days in single digit to just below 0 temps.
ACDELCO Part # 251603 {#12456231, 19168609, 88894035} OE Design; Stamped Steel Impeller One of our most popular parts
Water Pump Kit W/Gasket, PULLEY

ACDELCO Part # 131103 {#12559336} OE Temperature One of our most popular parts
THERMOSTAT,Engine COOL(W/Gasket) 190 DEG

That is the thermostat and water pump part #s I used.
Thanks, I'll use those.
Change the plastic Ts for the heater lines right on top of the passenger side valve cover. If they're original, they will fall apart during removal.