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95 6.5 td free turbo an fuel boost?


New Member
Reaction score
doylestown PA
i just put a new pmd in but didnt use the relocation kit. not my main concern right now. lookin into a new pump anyways but for now i wanna turn my boost up a bit an feed some more fuel in to make some smoke. i have the gm4 turbo. ay suggestions? someone said adjusting the wastegate spring would give me somethin. ive already did 4" exhaust an took out turbo silencer with relatively new air induct. do i have to buy a programmer to tune these factors up?
Yes, you need a tune with the electronic injection, smoke is a waste of fuel and the causes can be harmful to the engine.

Welcome to TTS
thanks. but i know carbon build it up bla bla bla. but when a lil kid buyin his first truck sees smoke... he gets excited. hah. main reason im trying to do this. trying to make power for free for a quick sell. gettin a 03 dmax time to rid this thing. more power more money. just havent messed with six fives to much.
Lots of ways to make power without smoke. Sure you can get some smoke before the turbo catches up. The 6.5 is fragile when exposed to continuous smoke esp with the restrictive factory turbo. Not only that but smoke doesn't make power with these engines. I am not just saying they are fragile - I have blown more than a few 6.5's up. Smoking from an exhaust leak helped do one engine in.

And when you do an engine in you pull the scrap metal out and go find another complete long block engine.

Getting a better turbo will wake the 6.5 up. Follow it up with one of many tunes available. Then you will fee the power a 6.5 has when revving over 2500. Yes, they can pull hard to redline with the right turbo. We have on member with dyno numbers close to a 01 Duramax power level.