dually man
New Member
Ok, here we go, Im getting ready for the 6.5 DB2 swap into my 91 V3500 crewcab (old body style). Truck has a 350 gasser now but is getting a ATS turboed 6.5 in its place. A few questions. First of all, can I use the factory in fuel tank electric fuel pumps, for the gas TBI the tech manual says they produce a pressure of 9 to 15 psi. There is allready return lines so that is solved. Another question is I just pulled the heads for inspection, they look ok, have just a couple of small cracks between the valves, and the precups have cracks on them also, should I use them??? The precups have a square stamped into them, what does this mean? This truck is heavy but it will not see any towing, just getting firewood and daily driver use.