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6.5 Diesel Engine New fuel tank or not?


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My fuel sock is finally plugging up on highway runs. FPG usually at 8# on highway and truck skips as soon as it dips under 5#. Anyway, I already got the metrum fuel guage, walbro and filter set up from Leroy. My back went south and never installed as the truck wasnt broken or showing symptoms of plugged sock. I knew it was coming though. To the point, while I am working in this area and the tank is 16 years old and I'm finding lots of crap in the FFM, should I get a new tank. Or will the Leroy filter setup be sufficient to run the truck till spring when my back is hopefully better after surgury. My usuall practice would be to get new one and be done with it. My plan unless persuaded otherwise is to move bed out of way for access to sender. Weld mount bracket for walbro and spin on filter adaptor. Then weld new cab corner on extended lower cab(main reason for removing bed cause need access). Thanks in advance. Money is kind of an issue here as well as I'm hardly working.
I'm still using a 35 gal chem tank strapped inside the bed. both my trucks tanks are rusted
Yeah I was going to say to look on Craigslist for an aux tank to put in the bed. Then when your up for it deal with the tank.
The filter/pum can be used with the aux tank too.
What are you finding in the FFM? Silver streaks of 'paint' that used to be the tank lining? Cottage cheese like brown goo that is dead bugs? Sand? Rust that is for sure rust and not bugs in the fuel? Rubber hose coming apart as a black sand? Again I would look hard at the possibly of bugs growing in your fuel.

I would leave the tank sock off when you do get to it. New tanks are cheap but don't fit perfect as the seams are crimped at 90 degrees not the factory 45 degrees.
There is silvery sand in the FFM. All hoses are new so no rubber deterioration. I still need to replace the metal return that runs back over intake(source of air from pinpoles). I ordered a new tank today I need to make some runs to NJ and those are clogging the sock. Sock is never going back on, I did not see any signs of bugs in fuel or on FFM filter. This issue only happens on highway and I watch pressure drop undser five pounds then the engine will cough and the pressure will go back to 7.